本帖最后由 松岩 于 14-11-2009 22:27 编辑
Our revenue for 3Q09 and 9-mth 09 increased by RMB49.9 million (57.9%) and RMB106.3 million
(39.6%) respectively compared to the corresponding periods in 2008. This was due mainly to an increase
in revenue from our Wireless Network Solutions Segment.
Revenue from our Wireless Network Solutions Segment for 3Q09 and 9-mth 09 were RMB136.2 million
and RMB367.9 million respectively, an increase of RMB65.3 million (92.0%) and RMB114.9 million
(45.4%) for 3Q09 and 9-mth 09 respectively compared to the corresponding periods in 2008. This was
due mainly to more contracts secured in Shanxi province as well as the increase in contribution from
Emergency Mobile Communication System which was introduced in last year.
For 9-mth 09, revenue from Distribution Solution Segment which currently comprise of sales of 3G cards
was RMB7.0 million and a decrease of RMB8.6 million (55.2%) compared to 9-mth 08. There were no
sales of 3G cards for 3Q09. The sale of 3G cards from July’08 to Jan’09 was a one-off sale for the trial in
(ii) Cost of Sales and Gross Profit
Gross profit for 3Q09 and 9-mth 09 increased by RMB23.8 million (66.8%) and RMB40.5 million
(35.0%) respectively compared to the corresponding periods in 2008. The increases were mainly due to
the increase in gross profit from Wireless Network Solutions Segment.
Gross profit from Wireless Network Solutions Segment for 3Q09 and 9-mth 09 was RMB60.4 million
and RMB155.1 million respectively, an increase of RMB30.2 million and RMB45.1 million for 3Q09 and
9-mth 09 respectively as compared to the corresponding periods in 2008. The increase was consistent
with the increase in revenue from Wireless Network Solutions Segment.
In 3Q09, there was a loss of RMB0.8 million incurred for Distribution Solutions Segment. This was
mainly arising from the amortisation of intangible assets relating to 3G cards. Gross profit from
Distribution Solutions Segment for 9-mth 09 was RMB0.8 million, a decrease of RMB4.6 million
compared to 9-mth 08. This was consistent with the decrease in revenue from sales of 3G cards.
Our overall gross profit margin for 3Q09 and 9-mth 09 were 43.7% (3Q08: 41.4%) and 41.6% (9-mth 08:
43.0%) which were comparable to those of the corresponding periods in 2008. |