新加坡政府投资公司 ,temasek holdings (可上网查),附属学院 STET 和纽西兰著名学院 PIHMS 开办酒店管理本科 ( Bachelor of applied hospitality and tourism), 还可在纽西兰毕业后做工。 机会难逢, 还有学费回扣! 第一期, 只收30位!
Ø GUARANTEED Practicum Delivery in NZ
Ø GUARANTEED PAID ONE year industry employment in NZ
Ø Expected INCOME of NZ24,000 for the 1 year Industry employment
Ø SHORT Degree Completion within 2 ½ years only
Ø 30% savings for the same program offered on campus
Ø Opportunities of Employment in NZ upon graduation.
Targeted 1st Intake is in May 2010 with limited seat vacancies of ONLY 30 students. Students who have successfully completed their STET-PIHMS program in Singapore and progress to NZ to complete their on campus studies will be given a Scholarship of SGD3850/-. This Scholarship is only given for 1st intake’s student.