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发表于 5-2-2010 10:05:39|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Dinamo 于 5-2-2010 10:09 编辑


Your application for a Visit Pass (Long Term) has been approved in principle for a period of 6 Month(s), subjected to the following conditions:

i.the validity of the travel document;
ii.a valid Visit Pass;
iii.the results of applicant's medical report, (not applicable to an applicant below 15 years old);
iv.S$40 /- Long Term Pass fee and S$30/- visa fee and S$60/- issuance fee ;
and that you are able to furnish the following documents:

i.Applicant's passport -我老婆的护照
ii.A completed and signed Form. 这个是什么FORM啊?
iii.1 recent passport sized colour photograph which meets the following requirements: 需要我俩的照片对吗?
◦photograph image must be taken within the last 3 months;
◦photograph should be in colour, must be taken against a white background with a matt or semi-matt finish;
◦photograph image must show the full face and without headgear (headgear worn in accordance with religious or racial customs is acceptable but must not hide the facial features);
iv.Applicant's Marriage Certificate; 结婚证书
v.If applicant is pregnant, a letter from a registered doctor stating applicant's expected date of delivery; 不需要
vi.Child's Birth Certificate, (if any); 不需要
vii.Sponsor's and applicant's highest educational certificate; 我俩的最高学历
viii.Sponsor's latest letter of employment, date of commencement, designation and salary per month [for self-employed: sponsor's valid Business Registration Certificate from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA); 需要我的工资单多少个月的啊?还需要什么latest letter of employment?
ix.Sponsor's Income Tax for the last 3 years;这个我没有可以吗?
x.Sponsor's monthly CPF contribution history for the last 12 months;
xi.Sponsor's and applicant's divorce certificate, (if any);不需要
xii.Medical report (should not be not more than 3 months);是我俩的MEDICAL REPORT 还是我老婆的?
(The original and photocopies of the above documents of iv), viii), ix), x) and xi) are required)
发表于 5-2-2010 11:19:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# Dinamo

  i  .Applicant's passport -我老婆的护照
ii.A completed and signed Form. 这个是什么FORM啊?这个是申请的那个form吧,需要签字
iii.1 recent passport sized colour photograph which meets the following requirements: 需要我俩的照片对吗?这个是你老婆的照片
◦photograph image must be taken within the last 3 months;照片需是3个月之内拍摄的
◦photograph should be in colour, must be taken against a white background with a matt or semi-matt finish; 照片需要彩色,白底(matt or semi-matt finish)这个是说需要那种不是亮面的吧。
◦photograph image must show the full face and without headgear (headgear worn in accordance with religious or racial customs is acceptable but must not hide the facial features); 照片需不带首饰的正面(如果戴首饰需没有遮住面部特征)
iv.Applicant's Marriage Certificate; 结婚证书
v.If applicant is pregnant, a letter from a registered doctor stating applicant's expected date of delivery; 不需要
vi.Child's Birth Certificate, (if any); 不需要
vii.Sponsor's and applicant's highest educational certificate; 我俩的最高学历
viii.Sponsor's latest letter of employment, date of commencement, designation and salary per month [for self-employed: sponsor's valid Business Registration Certificate from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA); 需要我的工资单多少个月的啊?还需要什么latest letter of employment?公司证明信需公司抬头的,几时开始加入公司,职位,每月的薪水。不需要你的工资单
ix.Sponsor's Income Tax for the last 3 years;这个我没有可以吗?没有应该是可以的吧
x.Sponsor's monthly CPF contribution history for the last 12 months;上12个月的CPF记录
xi.Sponsor's and applicant's divorce certificate, (if any);不需要
xii.Medical report (should not be not more than 3 months);是我俩的MEDICAL REPORT 还是我老婆的?你老婆的(The original and photocopies of the above documents of iv), viii), ix), x) and xi) are required) iv), viii), ix), x) and xi)这些材料需要原件
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使用道具 举报

发表于 5-2-2010 11:20:13|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 5-2-2010 11:24:45|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
the validity of the travel document,效力的旅行证件(这个一般是护照)除非及特出情况
.a valid Visit Pass。有效的签证,
the results of applicant's medical report, (not applicable to an applicant below 15 years old)申请人的体检报告,(不适用于15岁以下申请人);
S$40 /- Long Term Pass fee and S$30/- visa fee and S$60/- issuance fee  S $ 40  LTVP费和S $ 30签证费和S $ 60发证费用
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使用道具 举报

发表于 5-2-2010 11:25:23|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 5-2-2010 11:45:43|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
回复 5# last_order

真感激你的详细解释啊 !
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使用道具 举报

发表于 5-2-2010 13:28:22|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
回复 6# Dinamo

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使用道具 举报

发表于 5-2-2010 18:08:16|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
回复 7# last_order


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使用道具 举报

发表于 5-2-2010 20:50:30|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
我就奇怪了,你材料都没预备,咋就批准了呢?你能给我讲讲你的情况吗,小弟急需,你能把你的手机号码发给我吗?我也急需把老婆申请过来,我的信箱[email protected]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 5-2-2010 20:52:28|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报


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