依佛法做人最殊胜 -- 佛友资讯 【编辑室】
Know the Dharma
The Singapore Buddhist community is highly blessed when it comes to studying the Buddhist doctrine. Not only are Buddhist libraries located all over Singapore, they also carry a variety of materials for studying and doing research on the Dharma. Libraries-in-focus, page 45 and 47, features up-to-date information of some of these libraries.
Make the Dharma Known
Five months ago we featured an article about how the Heart Sutra had inspired Singaporean wood carvers to come together to produce works for the first Heart Sutra Wood Carving and Inscription Exhibition held in Singapore to help rebuild a monastery. In Walking the Wisdom Path (Hong Kong), page 43, find out what this ancient scripture had inspired wood carvers in Hong Kong to do.
Apply the Dharma
For those who are contemplating to give Dharma service, find out how selfless service can contribute to your mental well-being and the path of liberation from The 10 Prohappinessant Effect of Service, page 46. For those who are already giving Dharma service, use it as a guideline to examine how much sympathetic joy you are generating, and how to avoid wearing out while servicing. |