------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematics Olympiad Training by MEDALIST (Near MOE) 由获奖者提供新加坡奥数培训 (靠近教育部)
[距离MOE教育部步行5分钟。Bonua Vista MRT附近。]
************************************************************* OLYMATHS SCHOLAR SCHOOL,奥数学者学校
家长奥数常识: 新加坡除了常规小学升学考试(PSLE),教育部也开放了顶尖中学的录取直通车(DSA),包括体育专长、奥数竞赛等等。例如华中、国大附中、莱佛士书院。 新加坡数学奥赛包括:SMO(Primary School, Junior, Senior) , AMC (8, 10, 12), NMOS (NUS High School ofMathematics and Science),APMOPS (Hwa Chong Institution), RIPMWC (RafflesInstitution)等。奥数的成功需要三个因素:孩子的智商与头脑的早期开发、对数字与符号持久兴趣、奥数专业技能的培养。 误解一:“我的孩子没经过正规奥数培训,也能得奖。” 奥数是一项马拉松,这里我们强调的是持久的兴趣。它的专业解题思路会带动孩子今后在其他的科目竞赛中(例如物理、化学)取得更好的成绩。没有经过专业训练的孩子缺乏完整的知识系统,会很快在由专业培训占主导的奥赛晋级过程中掉队。 误解二:“我的孩子学习奥数还早,他(她)很聪明,小6狂补奥数就能出成绩。” 奥数培训推荐起始为小学4年级,因为在此之前的数学知识还没有形成足够的基础,来运用于奥数竞赛。与受过3年的奥数专业培训的孩子们竞争,小6竞赛之前开始培训自然不会有优势。当然,这不代表放弃,原因在于很多孩子在早期的自我积累很充足,由专业老师带动会有不俗的成绩。
我们的优势和教学侧重: 1)教师自身的实战经验 :简单来说,奥数是一场游戏,只有身临其境的游戏者才知其中的奥秘。旁观者却只知道游戏的规则和玩法。 2)注重维持孩子的兴趣:奥数培训是一个密集调动孩子兴趣的过程,随着数学问题难度的加深,很多孩子会逐渐失去了由自己天赋带来的兴趣。在这里,老师的角色就是要在这个过程中尽可能的维持或者延长孩子对数学方面的兴趣。除此之外,不断刺激孩子头脑的创意细胞也是好的奥数老师的责任,原因在于奥数解题除了有知识功底,更要有广阔的思路。 3)提供详尽扎实的奥数知识系统:我们的教材全部由国外进口,新加坡本地的浅显教材只作为参考。提供系统的问题归类,并逐一进行培训。进而建立起信息网,帮助孩子形成知识体系。
师资介绍: 1) 教师
Z: 曾经拥有七项奥赛奖:三个国家及地区级奥林匹克数学竞赛奖项,两个国家级奥林匹克物理竞赛奖项,两个国家级奥林匹克化学竞赛奖项。以全额奖学金进入华侨中学HCI(Chinese High School) GEP (Gifted Education Program)班,后以全额奖学金考入莱佛士初级学院RJC (Raffles Junior College),及国大NUS (National University ofSingapore), 3年完成4年本科荣誉学位,国大硕士学位。 2) 教师
G: 曾经拥有三项国际数学奥林匹克竞赛IMO(International Mathematics Olympiad),奥数国家队队员(NationalTeam)。 3) 教师
W: 拥有多年中国和新加坡政府学校教师经验,硕士研究生。
地点:距离MOE教育部步行5分钟。BonuaVista MRT附近。位于怡人的国家公园,知名高级学府院校环境中间(附近的教育机构有:新加坡教育部、国大、INSEAD商学院、孔子学院、南大校友会、ACSI中学、ACJC初院、花菲卫理小学、中学、Tanglin Trust School外国学校、PIXEL多媒体学校)。地址是9 One-North Gateway, Singapore (138643)
************************************************************* OLYMATHS SCHOLAR SCHOOL,OUR SPECIALIZATION is to provide uniquely designed training for MathematicsOlympiad competitions to students from primary, secondary school and juniorcollege in Singapore.
TO PARENTS: Apart from PSLE results,Direct School Admission (DSA) by MOE through various mathematics Olympiadcompetitions is another avenue for your kids to admit into Singapore TOPsecondary schools (Raffles Institution, HCI, NUS High and etc). Through ourMath Olympiad training, you will notice that the IQ potential of your kids willbe stretched beyond peer’s standard. They will benefit not only in the academicstudy in schools in short term, but you will be also surprised for the skillsdeveloped in resolving real problems in their life in long run! The recommendedstarting level is from P4.
WE DISTINGUISH OURSELVES from the rest of the MathOlympiad training from the followings: 1) only by qualified and experienced instructors (Medalistfrom China or Indonesia NATIONAL team with proven records), but NOT somepart-time university bachelor, master or PhD students. 2) only in small class (within 5 students) for more focusedintensive training, but NOT through a massive ineffective class (usually morethan 10 to 20 students in the market). 3) only with imported, selected and original trainingmaterials from CHINA or RUSSIA for more comprehensive and in-depth trainingsyllabus, but not locally published commonly used books and materials.
IN ADDITION, 1) your kid will be granted with the medalist's personalnotes and own materials from the won competitions. 2) The course is entirely conducted in fluent English. 3) The training is conducted in an academic-culturedlocation (Only 5-Minute Walk from MOE, NUS, ACJC, ACSI, Tanglin Trust School,Fairfield Methodist Primary and Secondary School, INSEAD MBA School, PixelSchool, NTU Alumni), but not HDB or shopping areas.
ABOUT THE TEACHERS: 1) INSTRUCTOR Z: Medalist of SEVEN prizes in MathematicsOlympiad, Physics Olympiad and Chemistry Olympiad competitions. Academiccareer: HCI (Chinese High School, GEP Class) -> RJC (Raffles Junior College)-> NUS Honors Degree (completed 4-year program within 3 years) -> NUSMaster Degree. 2) INSTRUCTOR G: Medalist of THREE prizes in IMO(International Mathematics Olympiad), International Mathematics OlympiadNational Team. 3) INSTRUCTOR W: Master Degree from a top-5 university in China.EIGHT years full-time teaching experiences in both China and SingaporeGovernment School.
SCHEDULE: Registration is open from 1stMay 2011. Course is to be conducted on weekends.
VENUE: 9 One-North Gateway, Singapore(138643)
FEES: CALL to enquiry,early-bird discount is available if signed up before 1st June 2011.
--'KID IS YOUR TOMORROW. TO INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE AND YOUWILL BE AMAZED OF WHAT YOU GET AS A RETURN ONE DAY!' *************************************************************
Raffles Institution, DSA, SMO, NMOS, ICAS, IMO, GEP,mathematics competition, AMC 8, maths competition, mathematical competition, 奥数, 奥赛,Hwa Chong Institution, American Mathematics Contest 8, Gifted EducationProgram, 数学
奥林匹克, Direct School Admission, NUS High School ofMathematics and Science, Singapore Mathematical Olympiad, InternationalCompetitions and Assessments for Schools, 数奥, maths olympiad competition, APMOPS, RafflesInstitution Primary Mathematics World Contest, olymaths scholar school, RIPMWC,RI maths competition, RI maths olympiad competition, HCI maths olympiadcompetition, HCI mathematics olympiad competition, HCI mathematics competition,HCI mathematical competition, HCI mathematical olympiad competition, HCI mathscompetition, Asia Pacific Mathematical Olympiad for Primary Schools, NationalMathematics Olympiad of Singapore, RI mathematical competition, mathematicsolympiad competition, RI mathematics olympiad competition, RI mathematicalolympiad competition, mathematical olympiad competition, RI mathematicscompetition, International mathematics olympiad, sample, 奥数
新加坡, 数奥
新加坡, 奥赛
新加坡, 数学
新加坡 |