国外留学系列书 Princeton SAT 11套真题:$15 Barron SAT 新东方+单词卡片(全新) $15 Gruber’s SAT (全新):$15 SAT 历年真题(2006-2009):$20 新东方强化班笔记(李楠楠,于浩洋,蒋万贵,齐荣乐):$24 OG (有新东方老师给的详细答案):$8 SAT考试核心词汇: $6 官方词库(26套真题+OC+OG) 猴哥2300 Vocab:$5 新东方NEW SAT 阅读与填空 $5 SAT全真题
(全新3本): $12 SAT 2 真题+经典模拟题(数理化生物):$10 新东方手把手教你写作文(都是范文
推荐!):$5 Barron’s TOEFL新东方教材含CD: $12 Kaplan TOEFL iBT with CD ROM:
$13 最新TOEFL/SAT 考试必备:写作 (全新):$8 IELTS 词汇红宝书 $5 Practice Book + Textbook A Level Chanllenging Drill questions Chemistry (COSMIC): $18 (98% Brandly New)唉
换句话说我基本上就没碰到 TYS Chemistry topic by topic H2 Dyna, 2008 Edition: $3 (基本上是全新)浅绿色的那本 A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR H2 mathematics TEXTBOOK volume 1 : $16 Binding Prelim Papers + Revision Papers Mathematics: 2009 - all colleges 都在
:$16 2008 - Top few colleges (AJC,ACJC,DHS, HCI,MJC,NJC,RJC,SAJC,TJC,VJC):$12 All colleges (I have two sets of the 2008 papers.): $16 Notes: China Study in English (Economics): $5 Magzines: Time/Newsweek: $5 /18本, $1/ 3本 Economist: $1/ 本, $5 / 6本
国内的《空中英语教室》: $2/ 本 读者(合订本):$6/ 本 意林 (合订本):$6/ 本 青年文摘(合订本):$6/ 本
意汇 : $1 / 本 Story Books(很多的我也都没读,因为快要离开新加坡了,所以急于脱手) Party Princess (Meg Cabot) : $4 (Hard Cover) How to be Popular (Meg Cabot, Hard Cover) : $ 16 (原价26,但我还没读) Abyssinia: $3 (值得一读) Chicken Soup (Teenage Soup IV - Story of Love, Life and Learning): $ 15 (这本我买的时候就非常的贵啊,但俺保存的好
嘿嘿还是很新的) Forver ( Judy Blume) :$2 Girls' Night In : $4 (未读) Will : $3 很好看! Queen Mum: $ 3 (未读) The Matchbreaker: $3 (Attempt Marriage, Attempt murder....Beware of the Bridesmaid....) Where have all the boys gone: $3 Pretty Little Liars : $3 The Call of the Wild (野性的呼唤): $3 Memoirs of a Geisha (艺妓回忆录) :$ 12 附赠书签 Absolutely Captivated: $3 Secret Heart (David Almond): $2 一元书
The Runaways (Ruth Thomas) Far From the Madding Crowd (远离尘嚣) Farewell, My Lovely Sherdlock Holems and the Mystery of Boscombe Pool (福尔摩斯和博斯康比湖之谜) Chemical Secret The Wizard of Oz Dead Man's Island A Little Princess Sherlock Holmes and The Duke's Son The Phantom of the Opera The Secret Garden A tale of Two Cities(双城记) Little Women Treasure Island 华文书 (10块4本,3块一本
) 假如给我三天光明 红楼梦(上下册) 简爱(中英文对照版) 少林拳(哈哈
我也不知道自己怎么会有这本书的) 冬至之雪 泡沫之夏 局外人(1-3册)