发表于 29-4-2011 15:30:45|来自:新加坡
回复 shinejump 的帖子
另外我刚得到的消息,NUS招生老师说其实NUS BTECH也可以申请转FULL TIME,CASE BY CASE。
我仔细研究下,其实就等于说在每年NUS招生的时候你再去报名,你的类别是CURRENT NUS UNDERGURADUATE STUDENT,要从BTECH 转成BENG,再申请免修。估计是看你POLY成绩和PART TIME上学期间的成绩,外加你转的理由等等。不知道你有没有遇到过这类情况?
Our students can also apply for transfer to the full-time Programme. Please note that transfer is not guaranteed as admission is based on academic merit and open competition. You will have to submit an online application during the admissions exercise via the Admissions' website: http://www.nus.edu.sg/admissions/undergrad/ and compete with all applicants for a place. There is no need to complete a required number of semesters during your part-time course before applying to a full-time course. However, you should NOT withdraw from your current part-time course until you have been accepted into the full-time course. After matriculating as a full-time student, you can then write to your Faculty/School to request exemption of modules you have completed under the part-time programme. For more details on transferring to the full-time Programme as a current NUS student, please refer to: http://admissions.nus.edu.sg/transfer/BYA-admission.html. Please be informed that admission to the B.Tech Programme is administered by the B.Tech office whilst admission to the Full-Time Programme is handled by the Office of Admission (OAM). For more details on the full-time Programme, please refer to http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/ . Should you require any further assistance/clarification on the full-time Programme, greatly appreciate it if you can kindly contact our colleagues from OAM at http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/contactus/contact.html |