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[狮城生活] 那里有经络跌打推拿啊!解决腰酸背痛的问题

发表于 9-9-2011 16:16:53|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Fu Kang TCM Medical Services Pte  Ltd
Chinese Tui na Massage  in Singapore
1、油压推拿:可以增强血液和淋巴循环,平衡内分泌系统。Oil massage: You can enhance the blood and lymph circulation, balance the endocrine system. 作业人:高(Gao)医师, Job: Gao (Gao), MD
2、经络及骨伤推拿:与针炙原理相同,仅作用方式不同。Meridian massage and bone: and acupuncture on the same principle, only the effect of different ways. 作业人:刘医师(男Liu,南京中医大结业,中国国家级中医推拿师)  (Zhang)医师(,从业三年), Job: Liu, MD (M Liu, Nanjing TCM big wind, the Chinese National Massage division) Tsai (zhang) Dr (female)r
3、小儿推拿:不吃药、不打针、无痛苦、无毒副作用,疗效明显。特邀蔡医师来新加坡工作。Children's Massage: not to take medicines injections, no pain, no side effect was, Dr Cai invited to work in Singapore.
4、内科推拿:头痛、 感冒、咳嗽、 哮喘、眩晕、胃痛、腹泻、 便秘、 失眠、胁痛、牙痛、忧郁症 月经痛,更年期综合症Headaches, colds, cough, asthma, dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, insomnia, hypochondriac pain, pain, depression, Menstrual pain ,menopausal disorders
Blk 846 Yishun Ring Road #09-3625 卡迪地铁(过天桥)步行2分钟 Khatib Metro (footbridge) 2 minute walk
Opposite of Khatib thd 2nd level of the shoe shop
Tel   HP


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