本帖最后由 560151 于 8-10-2011 11:31 编辑
帮我翻译下,这段英文, 工作上的需要,以了几次觉得都不是很通顺,只好救助于大家了。。。
Workplace safety and health policy
The company believes in:
a. Providing safe and healthy working environment for all employees.
b. safety of employees will be the first consideration in the operation of the business.
c. ensure that each employee is adequately trained and familiarise with the relevant statutory requirements,codes of practices and the company’s safety procedures in order to carry outhis work safely.
d. each employee is expected to complywith the safety, health & environment standards as stated in thelegislation.
e. ensure equipment and materials are maintainedin safe working condition as stated by manufacturer.
f. providing adequate and suitable personal protective equipment and apparel to equip the worker in carrying outhis work safely.
g. Instilling and promoting safety consciousness in every worker in the company.
h. taking steps to ensure that safely message are disseminated to all employees, subcontractors as well as allvisitors, vendors who are at the work place.
i. each employee should take personal responsibility to prevent injury to himself as well as to his fellow colleague.
j. taking ownership of all safetyoutcomes.
It is the responsibilities of all managers and employees to carry out his policy effectively.
Loss and injury prevention is the direct responsibility of all employees. All management and supervisory level personnel shall take everyprecaution reasonable in all construction activities for the protection of persons and property.