发表于 17-11-2011 13:46:30|来自:新加坡
International Student Admissions: Overview
Supplementary Admissions Exercise for International Students
(I) School Admission for IS without Dependant’s Pass (DP), Immigration Exemption Order (IEO), or with neither parent who is Singapore Citizen (SC) nor Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)
From 2012, MOE will hold a Supplementary Admissions Exercise for International Students (S-AEIS) in February / March every year. This means that there will be two exercises for admissions into a particular school calendar year, for example, in September / October 2011 and February / March 2012 for admissions into Academic Year 2012. This initiative will provide better facilitation and convenience to international students (IS) as well as streamline the administrative processes for our schools.