斗志不要称匹夫之勇。你的counter有CCTV还有你的外面打油的地方有CCTV你不卖酒就不收钱。他如果不还钱拿酒走更好。两瓶酒,公司不会计较因为你为了人身安全不走出柜台是合理范围的。对不起华语我不懂怎么解释。 It is within reasonable doubt that your refusal to step out of the counter to restrain the perpetuator from leaving with the unpaid alcohol is due to your concerns for personal safety. Inform your superior, write in to your HQ informing them that such a case happened. To verbally abuse or threaten someone with bodily harm or property destruction or very reasonable belief that the potential of such is imminent in Singapore is a criminal offence.