发表于 4-12-2011 11:17:30|来自:新加坡
本帖最后由 SG_lion 于 4-12-2011 11:19 编辑
k7689 发表于 3-12-2011 21:05
这位兄台,我刚才看了看你发的几个链接,的确让人寒心。我欣赏你耻笑他们的态度。最起码说明了你是个有人 ...
NO. We are not the same.
Humanity prevails in our society unlike yours. The Chinese thrive on dishonesty, disregard for lives, contempt for what matters to others.
How many people will go to another country and assault the native before posting it on the net with gratification? Look around the postings here, how many Chinese does that? No one in the right frame of mind will leave a 2 year old toddler to die in her own pool of blood except for savages. And when we see a family mourning the loss of their child, we don't go forth and accuse them of disgracing the nation, only those who lack the sense of human touch will do that. The thought of adding contaminants into our consumable products for profit will not even cross our minds except for people without conscience. How can you take advantage of a helpless person and outrage her modesty in public without due regards for her future well-being? Proven time after time relentlessly, only the Chinese are capable of doing that. I thnk the only ones capable of being on par with the Chinese are the Nazis who triumph on the holocaust. Totally devoid of what we call love, respect and simple humanity.
We are humans, lack of perfection but seek to be good. We are not manifestations of the devil or despicable cads who consider such atrocities a daily affair.