请教各位 绿卡申请表格里有关于最高学历的 1.。。。 2. Highest Academic Qualifications Attained
(if different from item 3)
Part-time study Full-time study
Name of School / College / University
(State Country)
3. 1st Degree, Type and Class
(e.g., B.A.(Hons) 2nd Upper / Diploma)
Part-time study Full-time study
Name of School / College / University
(State Country) 本人本地理工学院毕业 应该填3以内的吧 2不需要填吧?是在 Diploma和full time study画个圈圈 然后再写出院校名称吧?
2.。。。还有Nil and N.A的区别 分别怎么用 比如为配偶申请的那一栏 我是填nil还是n.a?要把所有空白的条条框框都填nil和n.a吗,还是意思下填几个就行了?