发表于 25-3-2012 21:01:40|来自:新加坡
To further differentiate between SCs and PRs, from the 2012 P1 Registration Exercise onwards, when balloting is necessary in a specific phase, SCs will be given absolute priority over PRs. SCs and PRs will continue to be eligible for the same phases, and all applicants will be admitted if the total number of applicants in any phase does not exceed the number of vacancies. However, if the number of applications exceeds the number of vacancies in a specific phase, SCs will be admitted first ahead of PRs, before home-school distance is considered. The following two examples illustrate the new rule.
Example 1: School A has 50 vacancies in a specific phase and 61 children applying, based on the table below.
Home-School Distance SC PR
< 1km 38 3
Between 1km and 2km 10 1
> 2km 8 1
Total 56 5
As the total number of SC applications exceeds the number of vacancies, not all SC applicants will be admitted. The vacancies will be allocated to the SC children based on home-school distance in this order of priority – home-school distance is (1) within 1km, (2) between 1km and 2km and (3) outside 2km. In the above example, the 38 SC children living within 1km from the school will first be admitted, followed by the 10 SC children living between 1km and 2km from the school. After the 48 vacancies are taken up, the remaining two vacancies will be balloted among the eight SC children living outside 2km from the school.
Example 2: School B has 50 vacancies in a specific phase and 54 children applying, based on the table below.
Home-School Distance SC PR
< 1km 29 4
Between 1km and 2km 15 2
> 2km 3 1
Total 47 7
As the total number of SC applications is less than the number of vacancies in this phase, all the 47 SC children will be admitted first and PRs can still be admitted thereafter. The remaining three vacancies will be allocated to the PR children based on home-school distance in the same order of priority – home-school distance is (1) within 1km, (2) between 1km and 2km and (3) outside 2km. The four PR children living within 1km from the school will ballot for the remaining three vacancies. |