发表于 9-10-2012 14:16:25|来自:新加坡
几年前,林慧平写了一篇文章(GEP testing and kiasu-ism at its ugliest )建议人们不要送自己的孩子去GEP补习班。
Which brings me to the point, why this obsession with being gifted? What's wrong with being "regular"? Being gifted is a blessing, like a musical or artistic talent, but it certainly doesn't guarantee success in life. In Singapore, I suspect if you're looking for a job, most companies won't care if you were in the GEP, unless it's the civil service. And I have never heard any kid say, "My dream is to be in the civil service!" I would like to believe that all the age-old attributes of integrity, diligence and reliability are what matter most, at the end of the day.
这些事例(GEP补习)使我困惑:为什么人们如此痴迷于GEP?“主流”到底有什么不好?拥有某种“天资”是一种幸福,就像是音乐家和艺术家一样,但它并不是成功人生的保证。在新加坡,大多数公司在征聘时不会在意你是否曾经是GEP学生,除非是招聘公务员。可是,我从来没有听说过哪个孩子说,“我的梦想是当个公务员!” 我相信,最终决定一个人能否成功的是那些自古以来就被人称道的品行——诚实,勤奋和值得信赖。