RecruitmentNotice (November 2012)
Insurance Sales Professional -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Introduction of Employing Company in Singapore 雇主是世界最大的上市保险公司之一,在许多国家都有分部。
The employer is one of the largest public listed companies in the world, withbranches in many countries in the world. 二、工作内容
Job description
The successfully recruited employee will report to the Singapore office and given training and salaryfrom Singapore.The employee is expected to actively source for affluent customers in Singapore andmarket/sell the company’s products and services. Employees are expected to meettheir monthly sales targets. 三、招聘要求
Pre-requisites of candidates
该人员必须为在 新加坡工作或生活的,四年统招本科以上学历或有海外认可本科学历的 中国人,英语 听说读写优秀,并且在新加坡有一定的客户关系网。有保险或银行从业经验者有优势。
Applicants are expected to graduate from a recognized 4-year university inChina or other recognized universities in other countries, with exceptionalEnglish ability in reading, writing, conversing and listening. They are alsoexpected to have a prospective network individuals for their prospecting workin Singapore.Applicants with previous working experience in a similar field will be givenpriority. 四、人数及性别
Recruitment Specifics
12 pax, no gender preference 五、准证及薪水
Matters of Salary and Working Visa
EP 准证(若PR或新公民则不需申请准证),每月底薪新币4500(年薪新币54000)每月超过销售目标则有提成。
Successful applicants will be offered application of Employment passes (Exceptfor PR and Citizen) from the Singapore Ministry of Manpower, and a monthlybasic salary of SGD4,500 (annual salary SGD54,000). Applicants who exceed theirmonthly sales target will be given an attractive commission package.
Recruitment Procedure
有兴趣的人员请联系Danna +65 咨询详情。 七、录用程序
Interview and Application procedure
Successful applicants will be given Letter of Employment. Contract details willbe revealed immediately for applicants to consider.
Upon confirmation, application for EmploymentPass will take place, and uponapproval of EP, candidates are to prepare for industry tests to be held in Singapore.
Upon passing their tests, candidates will be given in-detailed and in-depthtraining in the company’s products and methods of selling before officiallystarting work 2 months later.
Probation Period
Applicants will be given a 6-month probation period where sales numbers andattitude will be observed, before they are confirmed as formal sales staff. 九、PR担保
Guarantee of Permanent Residence Application
雇主将对工作表现良好,无重大失误,并且销售业绩良好者,一年后协助申请新加坡永久居民证。(此措施针对非PR或公民的中国员工) Employer will act as aguarantor to assist employees in their application for Permanent Residency in Singaporeafter 12 months of employment, provided they meet standards of sales quota andattitude matters. (This is only deployed to the staff who is non-PRor non-citizen)