为什么其他营收我觉得可疑,因为利息收入0.565M,所以其他营收若是都是废铝(财报说主要是废铝和利息),那剩的若是废铝9.039M,废铝价格目前约2450每吨,所以根据价格约3900吨。而cost of sales,若全部当做纯铝费(不考虑人工等), 那也才1.4万吨。废铝是生产铝 的25%也不合逻辑,一般废铝才0~2%而已。若拿去年同期其他营收(3.9M),利息是2.06M,那废铝才1.87M==9.039M(今年)???
China's aggressive railway expansion plans present a tremendous opportunity for Midas given the company's 60% market share and strong track record in the industry. We estimate that Midas can win Rmb2.5bn-3.2bn worth of high-speed rail (HSR) orders by end-2015. We raise our FY14-15 EPS to 17-19% above consensus; the market is likely to follow suit. We believe further HSR contract wins could catalyse the stock. Maintain Outperform, with our target price unchanged at S$0.74, based on 1.29x CY14 P/BV (20% discount to average P/BV during 2010-11).
We raise our FY14-15 EPS to 17-19% above consensus; the market is likely to follow suit. We believe further HSR contract wins could catalyse the stock. Maintain Outperform, with our target price unchanged at S$0.74, based on 1.29x CY14 P/BV (20% discount to average P/BV during 2010-11).