发表于 10-1-2013 15:46:53|来自:新加坡
desnow 发表于 10-1-2013 15:28
汇报下:女儿9-2-2。问下强大的jjrchome这个成绩去得了vjc吗?谢谢 desnow 看到您的回复,很开心。打算appeal 4分的选择,有必要吗?女儿很喜欢这所学校,因为有很多她的学长。
当然有必要了, 再说试一试也没什么坏处。
“In situations where there are two or more applicants with the same net aggregate score vying
for the last place in a course, they will be posted based on their citizenship status (i.e.
Singapore citizens, then Singapore Permanent Residents, then International Students). If there
is still a tie, say between two Singapore citizens, the one with the better gross aggregate score
will be posted into the course first. If there is still a tie between two citizens with the same gross
aggregate scores, then posting into the course will be determined by a computerised ballot
where each candidate is given an equal opportunity”