本帖最后由 suzie520 于 1-3-2013 11:45 编辑
最近陆续收到OLEVEL考生的感谢私信呐~ 我就不一一答复啦 说实话我好欣慰啊~ 不用谢我~ 这都是你们自己的努力嘛
话说今天2 30PM Alevel放榜哦!预祝各位考生金花四溅啦~AAAAAAA~YO~
RMB there r so many ways to fail but only one way to succeed. NEVER GIVE UP the courage to ur dream!
[Repost www.seab.gov.sg]
2012 Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level Exam Results
Results for the 2012 GCE A-Level examination will be released on 1 March 2013 (2.30 pm).
All private candidates can either use their passwords or their SingPass to view their results by clicking here.
私立考生点击上面链接 1March 2 30pm后即可登陆查询成绩
For Private Candidates, PLEASE Click Here For More details.
1. The results of the 2012 Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level
Examination will be released on Friday, 1 March 2013.
2. School candidates can collect their result slips from their respective schools
from 2.30 pm on 1 March 2013.
3. Private candidates will receive their results by post. Private candidates can
also access their results through the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board
website (http://www.seab.gov.sg) from 2.30 pm on 1 March 2013.
Singapore Uni : NUS NTU SMU SUTD SIM