恒实法师是已故上宣下化法师的弟子,去年来新加坡弘法, 今年三月将再次到来。
1) 劝发菩提心文 (Exhortation To Resolve Upon Bodhi)
日期/Date: 9/Mar/2013 - 13/Mar/2013
时间/Time: 7.30pm - 9.30pm
地点/Venue: 新加坡大悲佛教中心 (Tai Pei Buddhist Centre)
地址/Address: 21 Lavender Street Singapore 338823(near Lavender MRT Station)
巴士/Bus: 2,7,12,13,32,33,51,61,6367,80,100,107,107M133,145,175,197,961,980 service
2) 与年轻人对话 (Dialogue with Youths)
日期/Date: 9/Mar/2013
时间/Time: 1.30pm 至 3.30pm
3) 三皈五戒(Threefold Refuge in the Triple Gem and Five Precepts)
日期/Date: 10/Mar/2013
时间/Time: 10.30am
地点/Venue:The Buddhist Union 佛教会
地址/Address:28 Jalan Senyum, Singapore 41852 (near Kembangan MRT Station)
巴士/Bus: 2,7,24,25,26,28,30,33,67,854 serive
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