发表于 26-7-2013 09:59:24|来自:新加坡
leooel 发表于 25-7-2013 23:29
GEP谈不上什么终身制,只不过是一个特殊教育项目而已; 所谓天才儿童, 也只是在某个特定阶段对孩子某些特质的一种描述, 不是什么天才牌照, 更无法保证任何人幸福一辈子。中学后,GEP这个看不到的标签会日渐淡化, 剩下的也只有“我也曾上过GEP”这个记忆, 也只有到那时,一些家长们才会从“GEP狂热”中渐渐醒来, 反思一下什么是最适合自己孩子的教育方式。
另外, 即使有名校名师关照, 孩子也不一定能够在学业事业上成功。这一点,孩子上中学后家长才能有更深的体会。
“I'm 22 this year. I went to Opera Estate Primary School from P1 to P3, passed the GEP tests, went to went to Saint Hilda's Primary School from P4 to P6.
I then went to Victoria School, where I dropped out of the GEP after a year because I was underperforming academically. I coasted through my O levels (14 points), went to Tampines Junior College. I took Maths, Chem, Econs, Lit and KI in JC1. I retained. I swapped Chem for History. At my A Levels, I got BBS, BBA (S for H2 maths, A for GP).
I served and finished my NS as a Signaller. ORD'd in April. I'm now re-taking my A's because I feel compelled to do well, to prove a point to myself. I'm not interested in going to University.”
摘自: I was a GEP kid. Ask me anything.