呵护宝贝 发表于 21-4-2013 00:14
你好,拿到ep可以给自己的父母申请家属准征吗,因为我弟弟也是刚刚拿到ep ...
P1 可以 P2不可以。以下摘自MOM
The changes, from 1 September 2012 are as follows: - S Pass and Employment Pass (EP) holders need to earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $4,000 to sponsor the stay of their spouses and children here.
- P1 Pass holders will no longer be able to bring in their parents-in-law. They may still bring in their parents, spouses and children.
- P2 Pass holders will no longer be able to bring in their parents or parents-in-law. They may still bring in their spouses and children.