现在老婆生孩子了,上个月把母亲接过来后申请了LTVP,前几天check Email 发现 -
2. We have carefully evaluated your application. In the process, we have considered all relevant factors. While we understand your wish for the abovenamed to have a Long-Term Visit Pass, we are unable to approve the application.
3. However, your Visit Pass (short-term) which was issued on 28/05/2013 and valid till 27/06/2013 has been extended on the same condition till 27/07/2013 under Regulation 12(6) of the Immigration Regulations.
了解现在政府政策抓紧了,可是儿子上周TMC出生,现在28号我妈Pass到期,谁来照顾孩子啊,难道要我辞职在家当全职爸爸。。。= (
我该怎么办,Appeal email 写好发哪个email address??? 书信过去递交去移民厅没那么快吧,也要等吧。
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: " 先谢谢各位叔叔阿姨,帮帮忙,把俺奶奶留下来照顾我吧。"