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楼主: good99

[其他] 倒卖假文凭也太潇洒了吧,才罚7万块

发表于 2-1-2014 20:54:29|来自: | 显示全部楼层
good99 发表于 2-1-2014 11:42
你真不知道假不知道?确实,经营不善,但明知经营不善,就最后的疯狂,继续扩招、刻意收很多学费,然后倒 ...

谁说不能说新加坡的负面的事? 可以畅所欲言。
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发表于 2-1-2014 21:02:08|来自: | 显示全部楼层
jiasong 发表于 2-1-2014 20:52
就是要倒闭了,才要 ...

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发表于 2-1-2014 21:06:09|来自: | 显示全部楼层
jiasong 发表于 2-1-2014 20:54
谁说不能说新加坡的负面的事? 可以畅所欲言。


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发表于 3-1-2014 16:17:17|来自: | 显示全部楼层
good99 发表于 2-1-2014 21:02
你这种在中国人看来,就是典型的骗子!骗子是要被人恨的,没想到新加坡不被当作骗子,还挺受你欢迎的,挺 ...

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发表于 3-1-2014 16:41:11|来自: | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ybadvice 于 3-1-2014 16:46 编辑


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发表于 3-1-2014 17:01:59|来自: | 显示全部楼层
lansejiayuan007 发表于 26-12-2013 14:49
比如假结婚那个男方土生安哥,主动出来承认多年前的假结婚过程,而这个前大陆现新加坡籍的女人条件一直很差 ...



比如说那个倒霉的间谍Anna Chapman,被取消掉了英国国籍。如果她当时放弃了俄国国籍的话,英国就无论如何也不敢拿她的国籍下手。


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发表于 3-1-2014 17:13:55|来自: | 显示全部楼层
jiasong 发表于 3-1-2014 16:17

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发表于 3-1-2014 17:34:52|来自: | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ybadvice 于 3-1-2014 19:38 编辑
lansejiayuan007 发表于 29-12-2013 13:49

中国大陆籍人士在香港工作居住,没有注满7年没有成为永久居民之前,还是可以有香港 ...


British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act, 1997: British citizenship for British Nationals (Overseas) without Chinese ancestry
Another special group of solely Hong Kong British nationals were the non-Chinese ethnic minorities of Hong Kong. They are primarily people of Nepal, Indian and Pakistani descent. After the handover to the People's Republic of China, they would not be accepted as inherently being citizens of the People's Republic. They would be left effectively stateless — they would have British nationality and permanent residency and right of abode in Hong Kong, but no right of abode in the UK, nor a right to claim PRC nationality, and therefore would not be able to apply for passports from any country.

The ethnic minorities petitioned to be granted full British citizenship,[4] and were backed by several politicians[5] and media[6] The subsequently enacted British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act, 1997 [7] gives them an entitlement to acquire full British citizenship by making an application to register for that status after 1 July 1997.

有些英治香港的少数民族人士没有在1997年之前注册称为BNO, 那些人,如果1997年之后无法获得中国国籍,也没有其他国籍的话,自动成为British Overseas Citizen (BOC):

British Overseas Citizen status for those who are 'otherwise stateless'
Any Hong Kong BDTCs who failed to register as a BN(O) by 1 July 1997 and would thereby be rendered stateless (generally because they were a non-ethnic Chinese and therefore could not automatically acquire PRC citizenship), automatically became a British Overseas Citizen under the Hong Kong (British Nationality) Order, 1986.[1]

同样,如果孩子是在1997回归以后出生(也就是在中国香港,而不是英治香港出生),但是如果孩子没有其他任何国籍,而孩子的父母一方是 BNO或者BOC, 孩子自动成为British Overseas Citizen(尽管BNO和BOC身份本身是不可以从父母传递到子女的):

If you were a British overseas territories citizen only because you had a connection with Hong Kong, you lost that citizenship automatically on 30 June 1997, when sovereignty returned to China. But if you:
  • had no other nationality, and would have become stateless, you became a British Overseas citizen on 1 July 1997; or
  • were born on or after 1 July 1997, and would otherwise have been born stateless, you were a British Overseas citizen if, when you were born, one of your parents was a British National (Overseas) or a British Overseas citizen.


Holding no other nationality
The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 granted British Overseas Citizens, British Subjects and British Protected Persons the right to register as British citizens if they have no other citizenship or nationality and have not after 4 July 2002 renounced, voluntarily relinquished or lost through action or inaction any citizenship or nationality. Previously such persons would have not had the right of abode in any country, and would have thus been de facto stateless...

所以,从这些英国国籍的立法 (Act) 中看出,一个重要的主题就是:国家会尽力避免自己的子民没有国籍。

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发表于 3-1-2014 18:29:42|来自: 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
ybadvice 发表于 3-1-2014 17:34
关于英治香港的少数民族持有BNO身份者,他们如果无法获得中国国籍,那英国政府允许他们注册英国公民身份: ...

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发表于 3-1-2014 19:06:43|来自: | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ybadvice 于 3-1-2014 19:19 编辑
good99 发表于 3-1-2014 18:29


Travel Document 不总是等同于国籍。

这是因为,只有护照才是国籍证明。但是 Travel Document不总是护照。

比如说,如果一个人申请美国政治庇护批准了,但是要好几年才能归化国籍,取得美国护照。那这样的人,如果不愿意用原国家的护照出国,可以申请向美国申请 Refugee Travel Document,凭借这个证件旅行。但是这不代表他有美国国籍(如果有的话,就可以直接发护照了)。

如果无法申请香港特区护照(也就是没有中国籍,但是是香港永久居民),确实(如他所说)可以申请 “香港特别行政区签证身份书”:

“若没有有效的旅行证件,便不能出外旅游。不合资格申请香港特别行政区护照的香港居民,可考虑申请香港特别行政区签证身份书(签证身份书),以作旅行证件之用 ... 香港特别行政区签证身份书有效期为7年。并无持有香港特别行政区护照或任何国家的旅行证件的香港居民,均有资格申请签证身份书。”

但是我的意思是说,这类人(一般都是少数名族),虽然香港政府不给他们中国国籍,不代表他们他们就没有获得其他国籍的途径。因为当时的宗主英国政府考虑到了这个情况,是允许他们注册成为正式英国公民 (full British citizenship)。所以,大政策是避免无国籍情况出现。

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