现在就跪下来悔改 地上的君王、臣宰、将军、富户、壮士和一切为奴的、自主的,都藏在山洞和岩石穴里,向山和岩石说:“倒在我们身上吧,把我们藏起来,躲避坐宝座者的面目和羔羊的忿怒。因为他们忿怒的大日到了,谁能站得住呢?”(启示录6:15-17) 亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,当还没有悔改的时候,审判最终来临了。注意,以上就是那些不敬畏上帝的人的表述。他们虽然认识上帝,也懂得上帝是公正又公义的 神、是爱的 神,当他们悔改的时候,祂会宽恕他们的罪,但是他们仍选择活在罪里,拒绝悔改却又奢望上帝赦免他们的罪。 主内亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,现在就跪下来向上帝忏悔并悔改,胜于在审判之日扑倒于地。
Rev. 7:15-17 Andthe kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mightymen, . . . . hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, andsaid to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face ofHIM who sits on the throne and from wrath of the LAMB! For the great day of HISwrath has come, and who is able to stand?" Dear Brothers andSisters, Judgmentfinally comes when repentance doesn't. Take note that it is the ungodly whomake the above statement - they know GOD, and they know GOD is just and righteous and GOD is love and GODwill forgive them when they repent. And yet they still live in sins, refuse torepent and expect GOD to forgive their sin. My dear Brothersand Sisters in CHRIST, it is better to kneel in repentance than fall injudgment. |