发表于 10-12-2014 17:15:55|来自:新加坡
保单说剩余的保费不用交了, 是不是剩余全部'保费'不用交,还是说保'中风'的那部分剩余保费不用交了?那么别的重病还保吗?
像这段话就不明白,为什么cancer recovery的赔付比早期的CI还要低?这两者不是重合的吗?早期CI也可以成为一个cancer recovery
For Critical Illness at Early or Intermediate Stage, the claims amount payable can be calculated as the minimum of
100% of Sum Assured (as defined in the "Table of Critical Illness Definitions and Benefit Levels") minus the total of all benefits paid
for all previously admitted claims under Critical Illness Benefits, or
Maximum amount for the relevant Stage of Critical Illness (S$100,000 or S$200,000, if any). ?
For Critical Illness at Critical Stage, the claims amount payable can be calculated as 100% of Sum Assured minus the total of all benefits
paid for all previously admitted claims under Critical Illness Benefits. Upon admission of any claim at Critical Stage, the policy will be
The total of all claims payout under Critical Illness Benefits of this policy is subject to a maximum of 100% of Sum Assured.