本帖最后由 海熙 于 27-4-2014 17:55 编辑
刚刚在网上查了结果 (母亲的LTSV是2009年批的,今年4月初在网上renew),显示的是:in-principle approval (pending payment)
疑惑一:pending payment一共$90,$30的visa费用,$60是一个insurance fee, 我不太明白的是,我在当时renew的时候,已经在最后的一个step里,用visa付过一个费用了,怎么现在批了,又冒出来两个费用呢?
之后,我根据提供的网址,进入到enquiry result网页,一系列的说明列了出来:
you are able to furnish the following documents:
1. A copy of duly completed Form 14.
2.1 recent passport sized colour photograph which meets the following requirements to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14:
3. Applicant's existing Visit Pass4. Applicant's passport.
4. A copy of the applicant's passport particulars page must be submitted to ICA
5. Sponsor's birth certificate(Original and Photocopy)
6. Sponsor's letter of employment stating date of commencement, designation and salary per month;(Original and Photocopy)
7. 1 recent passport sized colour photograph which meets the following requirements to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14:
疑惑三:第六项的要求是硬性的,必须要有的吗?目前在家待产,没有做工的那怎么办呀? 真的很担心,如果提供不出来的话,会不会影响到老妈LTSV的结果?