忏悔 遮掩自己罪过的,必不享通;承认离弃罪过的,必蒙怜恤(箴言28:13) 亲爱的弟兄姊妹们!当我们遮掩自己的罪时,罪就在黑暗中以可怕的势力捆绑我们。当我们向上帝忏悔并离弃罪恶时,罪就被暴露在真理的光明中,失去了捆绑我们的能力。所以,向上帝忏悔并不是自毁,而是获得自由。
Pro. 28:13 - Hewho covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes themwill have mercy.
Shalom Brothersn Sisters,
Sins leftcovered and in the dark retain their awful power over us, while sins exposed inthe light of truth through confession lose their ability to keep us bound.Confessions is not self-mutilation, but freedom.