我想带孩子一起申请公民,填写For male/female applicants and spouse above 21years old 的那个表格,孩子的部分还需要填写什么别的表么? 因为我看了一下,那个表格只有孩子基本信息,也没有地方可以填写是否孩子也要一起申请公民?请问如果孩子也一起申请,我是交材料的时候跟office说,还是有什么其它表格和地方填写? 请指教。
已经找到表格了 谢谢大家
For children of Singapore citizen(s) by descent
Completed Citizenship application form. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the form. The Citizenship application form is also obtainable at the Citizen Services Centre.
Completed Citizenship application form. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the form. The Citizenship application form is also obtainable at the Citizen Services Centre.