现在人在国内,PR REP10月底到期,看了ICA的介绍,人在国外的可以提前2个月在当地的新加坡大使馆递交申请, 也可以通过e-REP 申请。
如果到网上去申请,我需要 1 - 网上预约(e-Appointment,预约好像是要回新加坡本人当面提交材料),还是 2 - 直接网上申请(Electronic Re-entry Permit,这个申请好像不需要本人当面提交材料,都是在网上填写)?
1. 填写Form6 (如果网上直接申请,怎么提交这个Form6啊?)- 全家人每人一份?
2. 护照 - 全家人的
3. 现在的REP - 全家人的
4. 下面任意一个文件 (老婆当时是随我办的PR,现在没有新加坡本地的工作,她的工作证明材料需要提交什么呢?)
If you are an employee, you may submit any of the following documents: - A letter (issued not more than one month ago) from the employer addressed to the Controller of Immigration, stating the date of employment, position held and monthly salary; or
- Statement from the CPF Board showing the CPF Contribution History for the last 12 months; or
- Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the last one year.
If you are self-employed (e.g. company director, sole proprietor, business partner), you may submit any of the following documents: - Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the last one year; or
- Business Registration Certificate (showing the names of all the Directors and partners) from the Instant Information Service, Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).