问:关于 性ai ,圣经里是怎么讲的?
今天让我们谈谈 性ai ,对,没错,就是“ 性ai ”。其实,关于 性ai 的课题,圣经提到了很多,你能想到的可能都是关于禁止婚前性行为的警示,认为性是不好的,然而圣经却讲得完全相反。如果从神性的角度来看,圣经里的 性ai 是圣洁的,那么圣经是怎么讲 性ai 的呢?
答: 性ai 是美好的。
什么? 性ai 是美好的?是的,上帝创造了 性ai 。上帝造出男女,让男女造出孩子。圣经说 性ai 是夫妻(男人和女人)双方彼此间表达爱的方式,对,是“男人的丈夫与女人的妻子”之间。上帝创造的性是基于爱,因爱而表达出美好和快乐,但只限于一男一女的夫妻之间。
创世纪1:27-28 神就照着自己的形像造人,乃是照着祂的形像造男造女。 神就赐福给他们,又对他们说要生养众多。
创世纪2:24 因此人要离开父母,与妻子连合,二人成为一体。
箴言5:18-19 要使你的泉源蒙福,要喜悦你幼年所娶的妻。他如可爱的麀鹿、可喜的母鹿,愿她的胸怀使你时时知足,她的爱情使你常常恋慕。
雅歌7:6 我所爱的,你何其美好、何其可悦,使人欢畅喜乐。
所以 性ai 是美好的,但婚前性行为是不好的吗?
希伯来13:4 婚姻人人都当尊重,床也不可污秽,因为苟合行淫的人 神必要审判。
帖撒罗尼迦前书4:3-4 神的旨意就是要你们成为圣洁、远避淫行,要你们各人晓得怎样用圣洁尊贵守着自己的身体。
使徒行传13:38-39 所以弟兄们,你们当晓得,赦罪的道是由这人(耶稣)传给你们的。你们靠摩西的律法,在一切不得称义的事上信靠这人,就都得称义了。
罗马书1:24 所以 神任凭他们逞着心里的情欲行污秽的事,以致彼此玷辱自己的身体。
哥林多前书10:13 你们所遇见的试探(出于魔鬼)无非是人所能受的, 神是信实的,必不叫你们受试探(出于魔鬼)过于所能受的,在受试探(出于魔鬼)的时候总要给你们开一条出路,叫你们能忍受得住。
有很多经文讲到 性ai ,包括 性ai 是美好的,当我们的 性ai 合乎 神意时,就能荣耀上帝。
所以,关于真正婚姻中的 性ai 真理,在这里我想分享七个圣经要点,是我和我妻子在真实婚姻中的经验总结:
1. 上帝按照自己的形象样式来造男造女,是造得尊贵、平等、贵重。男人和女人,各有不同又相辅相成(创世纪1:27-28 神就照着自己的形像造人,乃是照着祂的形像造男造女。神就赐福给他们,又对他们说:“要生养众多、遍满地面,治理这地,也要管理海里的鱼、空中的鸟和地上各样行动的活物”)
2. 爱应该是一首美丽的歌,而非数学公式。爱需要有诗人般的情怀和爱的热情,才能享受到它的美妙之处。很多人因为欠缺爱的诗意和热情,无法明了爱的真谛,所以陷在痛苦的挣扎和失望之中。两个相爱的人更应该像一首唱出来的美丽的歌(雅歌整卷的寓意),而不是只是歌词而已。
3. 上帝创造一男一女结为夫妻,享受一段美好的婚姻---这是圣经自始至终的一致教导,也是耶稣基督的亲自教导(创世纪2:24-25 因此,人要离开父母,与妻子连合,二人成为一体。当时夫妻二人赤身露体,并不羞耻。马太福音19:4 耶稣回答说:“那起初造人的,是造男造女”)。
4. 上帝创造了 性ai 。上帝造好男人女人的身体,也包括了性器官和交合之乐,然后说“甚好”。当我们这一对始祖在上帝的见证之下, 性ai 交合,成为真正的夫妻后,上帝并没有对此感到震惊,因为祂创造男女身体上的不同,就是为了让他们享受到美好的 性ai 。上帝的慈爱和美善,赋予了 性ai 是乐趣的、令人愉悦又是美妙的,上帝将它作为礼物赐给我们管理和享受(创世纪2:24-25)。
5. 婚外性行为是犯罪。性行为的罪,包括同性恋、se情、人兽jiao合、双性恋、yin乱、为利益与朋友ML、通奸、交换配偶行淫、嫖娼、乱伦、强奸、一夫多妻、一妻多夫、邪淫、色欲、恋童癖(哥林多前书6:9-11,18-20;希伯来13:4)
6. 性ai 是在没有羞愧的情况下进行的(创世纪2:25; 箴言5:18-23)。很多人对 性ai 经历到羞愧感,有时羞愧感是上帝所给的,因为我们本身的性观念不符合上帝的教导;有时是我们承受着毁灭感(被有些宗教误导,认为 性ai 是脏的,有快感就是犯罪等等),因为我们违背了 性ai 真理;还有时,不是我们本身的性观念错误,也不是我们违背了 性ai 真理,但还是感到羞愧,那是因为我们有性的恶念、或有普遍化的性认识和感觉、或出于不圣洁的动机。
7. 我们的审美标准。上帝是造一男一女结为夫妻,当祂造亚当时,没有问亚当想要什么样的女人---高矮胖瘦、肤色黑白或头发长短,所以你的配偶就是你的审美标准,在你眼里只有你的配偶才是最美、最好的。上帝不允许任何人生成自己的审美标准,要只看自己的配偶是最美的,不应该再去看别人美,所以上帝赐给亚当配偶,他们彼此就是对方美的感觉和美的标尺(创世纪2:23, 箴言 6:20-35)。
我想说的是,我所写的并不是要定你的罪,也不是圣经要定你的罪,这些信息只是提醒你们对于 性ai 要有正确的出发点。
你是否真正地把自己无私地献给对方,忘我地爱对方、探索对方、珍爱对方,直到你死为止?你是否一直在寻求自己的享乐,还是追求能够令你的配偶一生享受到你给他(她)的美好快乐的 性ai ?你对 性ai 的这等爱与付出,是否使你得到了真正的快乐和满足?
有个问题不是出自我们的伴侣,而是我们自己,就是我们以变态的心态看待 性ai 。事实上,上帝所赐的都是最好的,所以我鼓励和恳求你谦卑祷告,从圣经中明白上帝对 性ai 的教导,向上帝学习祂所赐给我们的圣洁 性ai 。
当我还没有真正成为基督徒时,我的性生活是活跃的,所以我并不是说自己比任何人更圣洁,我是经历到主耶稣的宽恕,成为基督真正的跟从者,才得以明白圣经中的 性ai 是何等的美好和圣洁。在 性ai 与结婚方面,上帝的教导使我在思想和行为上有很大改变,直至五年前,我才真正地享受到婚姻的圣洁与美好,我忠心耿耿地和一位上帝所赐的、敬畏上帝的女人结为夫妻,这段幸福的婚姻至今已经快5年了。至此,我诚恳地希望,你也能经历到上帝透过主耶稣基督所赐给你的美满幸福的婚姻生活。
Question: What the Bible Says About...Sex
Let’s talk about sex…yes, the “S” word. The Bible actually has a lot to say about the subject. You may think, with all the warnings about not having sex before marriage, that sex is bad, the Bible says something quite contrary to that. Sex is biblical, if looked at from a godly perspective. So what does the Bible have to say about sex?
Answer: Sex is a Good Thing
What? Sex is a good thing? Well, GOD created sex. HE created man and woman to create babies. The Bible says that sex is a way for a husband (man ) wife (woman) to express their love for one another. Yes, “husband and wife.” GOD did create sex to be a beautiful and enjoyable expression of love, but only between a man and wife (husband & wife).
Genesis 1: 27-28 – “So GOD created man in HIS own image, in the image of GOD HE created him; male and female HE created them. GOD blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number;” (NIV)
Genesis 2:24 – “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (NIV)
Proverbs 5:18-19 – “May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer — may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love.” (NIV)
Song of Songs 7:6 – “How beautiful you are and how pleasing, O love, with your delights!” (NIV)
1 Corinthians 6:13 – “The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the LORD, and the LORD for the body.” (NIV
So, Sex is Good, but Premarital Sex is Not?
Right. There is a lot of talk going on around you about sex. Sex is in just about every magazine, newspaper, television show, and movie. It is the point of a lot of music. Our world has gotten lax about sex, making it seem like premarital sex is okay because it feels good, but the Bible does not agree. GOD calls us all to control our passions and wait for marriage.
1 Corinthians 7:2-3 – “But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.” (NIV)
Hebrews 13:4 – “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for GOD will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.” (NIV)
1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 – “It is GOD's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honourable” (NIV)
What if I’ve Already Had Sex?
Everyone falls to sin in some area or another. If your area happens to be sex, there is still hope. While you cannot become a virgin again, you can obtain GOD’s forgiveness. You just have to ask for it and try not to sin that way again. What truly angers GOD is willful sin, when you know you are sinning and keep on participating in that sin. While giving up sex may be difficult, GOD calls us to remain sexually pure until marriage.
Acts 13:38-39– “Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through JESUS the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through HIM everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from by the law of Moses.” (NIV)
Romans 1:24– “Therefore GOD gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.” (NIV)
But It’s So Tempting!
As a Christian you fight off temptation every day. Being tempted is not the sin, but giving into the temptation is sin. So how do you fight off the temptation? The desire to have sex can be very strong, especially if you have already had sex. It is only by relying on GOD for strength that you can truly fight off the temptation to have sex.
1 Corinthians 10:13– “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And GOD is faithful; HE will not let you be tempted (by the devil) beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted (by the devil), HE will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (NIV)
The Bible has a lot to say about sex—including that it's good and that it glorifies GOD when we enjoy sex in the context for which He created it.
So, I thought I'd share seven sex essentials from the Bible: The Truth About Sex in a Real Marriage that my wife Esther and I experience together:
1. GOD created us male and female in HIS image and likeness with dignity, equality, value, and worth. Men and women are different and complement one another (Genesis 1:27 So GOD created mankind in HIS own image, in the image of GOD HE created them; male and female HE created them. 28 GOD blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”).
2. Love is more like a song than a math equation. It requires a sense of poetry and passion to be any good at it, which is why people who are stuck in their heads struggle and are frustrated by it, and lovers prefer songs to syllogisms (Song of Solomon, all of it).
3. Marriage is for one man and one woman by GOD’s design. This is the consistent teaching of the Bible from the table of contents to the appendix and the teaching of JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF (Genesis 2:24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. 25 Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.; Matthew 19:4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’).
4. GOD created sex. GOD made our bodies “very good” with “male and female” parts and pleasures. When our first parents consummated their covenant, GOD was not shocked or horrified, because He created our bodies for sex. The reason that sex is fun, pleasurable, and wonderful is because it is a reflection of the loving goodness of GOD who created it as a gift for us to steward and enjoy (Genesis 2:24-25).
5. Sex outside of marriage is a sin. Sinful sex includes homosexuality, erotica, bestiality, bisexuality, fornication, friends with benefits, adultery, swinging, prostitution, incest, rape, polygamy, polyandry, sinful lust, pornography, and pedophilia (I Corinthians 6:9-11,18-20, Hebrews 13:4).
6. Sex is to be done in such a way that there is no shame(Genesis 2:25; Proverbs 5:18-23). Many people experience shame in regard to sex. Sometimes shame is a gift from GOD in response to our sexual sin, sometimes it is the devastating feeling we bear because we have been sexually sinned against, and other times we have not sinned or been sinned against sexually but feel shame because we have wrong thinking and feelings about sex in general, or a sex act in particular.
7. Your standard of beauty is your spouse. GOD made one man and one woman. HE did not ask them if they wanted someone tall or short, light or heavy, pale or dark skinned, with long or short hair. In short, HE did not permit them to develop a standard of beauty. Instead, HE gave them each a spouse as a standard of beauty (Genesis 2:23, Proverbs 6:20-35).
I understand that I'm writing to an audience that may not consist entirely of Christian believers, including some who may even be hostile to Christianity. I also understand that many of these points will either rub some of you the wrong way or even enrage you. But, I make no apologies for the Bible and what it says.
I will say this, however... I don't write them to condemn you, nor does the Bible. Rather, I ask you to consider your motivations for sex.
Have you ever truly given yourself to someone selflessly to love them, explore them, and cherish them until death do you part? Have you spent your life pursuing pleasure instead of seeking to give pleasure to a lifelong spouse? And, are you truly happy and fulfilled with your sex life?
The problem isn't our partners. It's us. We've perverted sex and misused it. GOD's way is the best way, and I encourage you to humbly pray and think about what he has to say about us and sex in HIS WORD, the Bible.
As someone who was sexually active before becoming a true Christian, I don’t consider myself more holy than anyone else. But, after experiencing JESUS’ forgiveness, becoming a true follower of CHRIST, understanding what the Bible teaches about sex, having massive change in my thoughts and actions about sex, marrying, and today, happily and faithfully married to a GOD loving and GOD fearing woman (Esther, my wife) for what is approaching 5 years, I sincerely want you to experience the fullness of what GOD has for you in JESUS CHRIST.
We give thanks to GOD, the FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, for this day and for you, faithful brothers and sisters.
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From Victor n Esther - "My life journey with Jesus"