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发表于 29-9-2014 16:01:01|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

我的民哪,你们要留心听我的训诲,侧耳听我口中的话。我要开口说比喻,我要说出古时的谜语,是我们所听见所知道的,也是我们的祖宗告诉我们的。 我们不将这些事向他们的子孙隐瞒,要将耶和华的美德和祂的能力,并祂奇妙的作为述说给后代听。因为祂在雅各中立法度、在以色列中设律法,是祂吩咐我们祖宗要传给子孙的。使将要生的后代子孙可以晓得,他们也要起来告诉他们的子孙, 好叫他们仰望 神,不忘记 神的作为,惟要守祂的命令(诗篇78:1-7




歌罗西3:5 所以要治死你们在地上的肢体,就如[关键词屏蔽]、污秽、邪情、恶欲和贪婪,贪婪就与拜偶像一样。3:6 因这些事, 神的忿怒必临到那悖逆之子。  3:7 当你们在这些事中活着的时候也曾这样行过,3:8 但现在你们要弃绝这一切的事,以及恼恨、忿怒、恶毒、毁谤、并口中污秽的言语。3:9 不要彼此说谎。因你们已经脱去旧人和旧人的行为,3:10 穿上了新人,这新人在知识上渐渐更新,正如造他主的形像。

歌罗西3:12 所以你们既是 神的选民,圣洁蒙爱的人,就要存怜悯、恩慈、谦虚、温柔、忍耐的心。3:13 倘若这人与那人有嫌隙,总要彼此包容、彼此饶恕。主怎样饶恕了你们,你们也要怎样饶恕人。3:14 在这一切之外要存着爱心,爱心就是联络全德的。3:15 又要叫基督的平安在你们心里作主,你们也为此蒙召,归为一体,且要存感谢的心。3:16 当用各样的智慧把基督的道理丰丰富富地存在心里,用诗章、颂词、灵歌,彼此教导、互相劝戒,心被恩感,歌颂 神。  

帖撒罗尼迦前书4:3  神的旨意就是要你们成为圣洁,远避淫行;  4:4 要你们各人晓得怎样用圣洁尊贵,守着自己的身体,4:5 不放纵私欲的邪情,像那不认识 神的外邦人。

罗马书13:12 黑夜已深,白昼将近。我们就当脱去暗昧的行为,带上光明的兵器。13:13 行事为人要端正,好像行在白昼。不可荒宴醉酒,不可好色邪荡,不可争竞嫉妒。13:14 总要披戴主耶稣基督,不要被肉体安排,去放纵私欲。  

帖撒罗尼迦前书4:9 论到弟兄们相爱,不用人写信给你们。因为你们自己蒙了 神的教训,叫你们彼此相爱。

帖撒罗尼迦前书4:11 又要立志作安静人、办自己的事、亲手作工,正如我们从前所吩咐你们的。  

提多书1:6 若有无可指责的人,只作一个妇人的丈夫,儿女也是信主的,没有人告他们是放荡不服约束的,就可以设立。1:7 监督既是 神的管家,必须无可指责,不任性、不暴躁、不因酒滋事、不打人、不贪无义之财,1:8 乐意接待远人,好善、庄重、公平、圣洁、自持,1:9 坚守所教真实的道理,就能将纯正的教训劝化人,又能把争辩的人驳倒了。  

提多书2:1 但你所讲的,总要合乎那纯正的道理。2:2 劝老年人要有节制、端庄、自守、在信心、爱心、忍耐上都要纯全无疵。2:3 又劝老年妇人,举止行动要恭敬,不说谗言、不给酒作奴仆,用善道教训人,  2:4 好指教少年妇人爱丈夫、爱儿女、2:5 谨守、贞洁、料理家务、待人有恩、顺服自己的丈夫,免得 神的道理被毁谤。2:6 又劝少年人要谨守,2:7 你自己凡事要显出善行的榜样,在教训上要正直、端庄、2:8 言语纯全、无可指责,叫那反对的人既无处可说我们的不是,便自觉羞愧。2:9 劝仆人要顺服自己的主人、凡事讨他的喜欢、不可顶撞他;2:10 不可私拿东西,要显为忠诚,以致凡事尊荣我们救主 神的道。2:11 因为 神救众人的恩典已经显明出来,2:12 教训我们除去不敬虔的心和世俗的情欲,在今世自守、公义、敬虔度日。  

提多书3:1 你要提醒众人,叫他们顺服作官的、掌权的,遵他的命、预备行各样的善事;3:2 不要毁谤、不要争竞,总要和平,向众人大显温柔。3:3 我们从前也是无知、悖逆、受迷惑、服事各样私欲和宴乐、常存恶毒嫉妒的心,是可恨的,又是彼此相恨。  

提多书3:8 这话是可信的,我也愿你把这些事切切实实地讲明,使那些已信 神的人留心作正经事业。这都是美事,并且与人有益。3:9 要远避无知的辩论和家谱的空谈,以及分争,并因律法而起的争竞。因为这都是虚妄无益的。3:10 分门结党的人,警戒过一两次就要弃绝他。3:11 因为知道这等人已经背道,犯了罪,自己明知不是,还是去做。  

雅各书1:19 我亲爱的弟兄们,这是你们所知道的。但你们各人要快快地听、慢慢地说、慢慢地动怒,1:20 因为,人的怒气并不成就 神的义。 1:21 所以你们要脱去一切的污秽和盈余的邪恶、存温柔的心领受那所栽种的道,就是能救你们灵魂的道。1:22 只是你们要行道,不要单单听道,自己欺哄自己。

雅各书1:26 若有人自以为虔诚,却不勒住他的舌头,反欺哄自己的心,这人的虔诚是虚的。  

雅各书3:16 在何处有嫉妒分争,就在何处有扰乱和各样的坏事。3:17 惟独从上头来的智慧,先是清洁,后是和平、温良柔顺、满有怜悯、多结善果、没有偏见、没有假冒。  

雅各书4:4 你们这些[关键词屏蔽]的人哪,岂不知与世俗为友,就是与 神为敌吗?所以,凡想要与世俗为友的,就是与 神为敌了

雅各书4:7 故此你们要顺服 神,务要抵挡魔鬼,魔鬼就必离开你们逃跑了。4:8 你们亲近 神,神就必亲近你们。有罪的人哪,要洁净你们的手;心怀二意的人哪,要清洁你们的心。  

彼得前书1:13 所以要约束你们的心,谨慎自守、专心盼望耶稣基督显现的时候所带来给你们的恩。1:14 你们既作顺命的儿女,就不要效法从前蒙昧无知的时候,那放纵私欲的样子。1:15 那召你们的既是圣洁,你们在一切所行的事上也要圣洁。1:16 因为经上记着说:“你们要圣洁,因为我是圣洁的。”1:17 你们既称那不偏待人、按各人行为审判人的主为父,就当存敬畏的心,度你们在世寄居的日子。

彼得前书2:1 所以你们既除去一切的恶毒、诡诈、并假善、嫉妒和一切毁谤的话,2:2 就要爱慕那纯净的灵奶,像才生的婴孩爱慕奶一样;叫你们因此渐长,以致得救。

彼得前书2:11 亲爱的弟兄啊,你们是客旅、是寄居的。我劝你们要禁戒肉体的私欲,这私欲是与灵魂争战的。2:12 你们在外邦人中应当品行端正,叫那些毁谤你们是作恶的,因看见你们的好行为,便在鉴察的日子归荣耀给 神。  

彼得前书3:8 总而言之,你们都要同心、彼此体恤、相爱如弟兄、存慈怜谦卑的心,3:9 不以恶报恶、以辱骂还辱骂、倒要祝福,因你们是为此蒙召,好叫你们承受福气。3:10 因为经上说:“人若爱生命,愿享美福,须要禁止舌头不出恶言,嘴唇不说诡诈的话;3:11 也要离恶行善、寻求和睦、一心追赶。3:12 因为主的眼看顾义人,主的耳听他们的祈祷。惟有行恶的人,主向他们变脸。”

彼得前书4:3 因为往日随从外邦人的心意,行邪淫、恶欲、醉酒、荒宴、群饮、并可恶拜偶像的事时候已经够了。

彼得前书4:8 最要紧的是彼此切实相爱,因为爱能遮掩许多的罪。4:9 你们要互相款待,不发怨言。

彼得后书2:1 从前在百姓中有假先知起来,将来在你们中间也必有假师傅私自引进陷害人的异端,连买他们的主他们也不承认,自取速速地灭亡。2:2 将有许多人随从他们邪淫的行为,便叫真道因他们的缘故被毁谤。2:3 他们因有贪心,要用捏造的言语在你们身上取利,他们的刑罚自古以来并不迟延,他们的灭亡也必速速来到。2:4 就是天使犯了罪  神也没有宽容,曾把他们丢在地狱,交在黑暗坑中,等候审判。2:5  神也没有宽容上古的世代,曾叫洪水临到那不敬虔的世代,却保护了传义道的挪亚一家八口。2:6 又判定所多玛、蛾摩拉,将二城倾覆、焚烧成灰、作为后世不敬虔人的鉴戒,2:7 只搭救了那常为恶人淫行忧伤的义人罗得。2:8 因为那义人住在他们中间,看见、听见他们不法的事,他的义心就天天伤痛。2:9 主知道搭救敬虔的人脱离试探,把不义的人留在刑罚之下,等候审判的日子。2:10 那些随肉身、纵污秽的情欲,轻慢主治之人的更是如此,他们胆大任性、毁谤在尊位的也不知惧怕。


如果想象是我们被儿女问到这个问题(我见到过真基督徒吗),那我们会怎么回答?今天分享的经文呼吁我们,要将一切关乎上帝的事情教导我们的儿女。很明显,若儿女见到过真基督徒,那他们就不会再问有没有见到过。反过来说,我们身为父母,如果日常生活都是按照上帝的教导去做的,那么当被儿女问及时,我们就没有理由会无言以对。诗篇78 的作者呼吁我们:要向儿女述说众多赞美上帝的理由,好帮助他们懂得上帝的事情(4节);并将上帝的律法和法度教授给他们(5节)。我们应该通过我们热爱又顺服上帝的生命和言行,将上帝的一切美善和完美教导言传身教给儿女们。让他们从我们的日常生活中,实实在在地看到:一个真正的基督徒应该是怎样做、怎样生活的。这就是为何,上帝借着摩西指示以色列众人说:“要将上帝的诫命殷勤教训你的儿女。无论你坐在家里、行在路上、躺下、起来,都要谈论”(申命记 6:6-7 我今日所吩咐你的话都要记在心上,也要殷勤教训你的儿女。无论你坐在家里、行在路上、躺下、起来,都要谈论)。  



Have I Ever Seen a Christian?

Psalm 78:1-7

1 My people, hear MY teaching; listen to the words of MY mouth. 2 I will open my mouth with a parable; I will utter hidden things, things from of old— 3 things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us. 4 We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, HIS power, and the wonders HE has done. 5 HE decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which HE commanded our ancestors to teach their children, 6 so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. 7 Then they would put their trust in GOD and would not forget HIS deeds but would keep HIS commands.

Key Verse: Psalm 78:4

We will not  hide them (GODs Commandments) from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.

Personal attributes of the true Christian

What attributes should characterize a true Christian?  How is  the true follower of CHRIST to live?  What does Christian  teaching say about what kind of person a Christian is to be?  What kind of words describe him?

Colossians 3:5-10 Therefore put to death your members which    are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil    desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. {6} Because of    these things the wrath of GOD is coming upon the sons of    disobedience, {7} in which you yourselves once walked when you    lived in them. {8} But now you yourselves are to put off all    these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of    your mouth. {9} Do not lie to one another, since you have put    off the old man with his deeds, {10} and have put on the new    man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of HIM who created him,     

Colossians 3:12-16 Therefore, as the elect of GOD, holy and    beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness,    longsuffering; {13} bearing with one another, and forgiving one    another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as    CHRIST forgave you, so you also must do. {14} But above all    these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. {15}    And let the peace of GOD rule in your hearts, to which also you    were called in one body; and be thankful. {16} Let the WORD of    CHRIST dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and    admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual    songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the LORD.   

  I Thessalonians 4:3-5 For this is the will of GOD, your    sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality;    {4} that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel    in sanctification and honour, {5} not in passion of lust, like    the Gentiles who do not know GOD; {7} For GOD did not call us    to uncleanness, but in holiness.      

Rom 13:12-14 Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness,    and let us put on the armor of light. {13} Let us walk    properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in    lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. {14} But put on the    LORD JESUS CHRIST, and make no provision for the flesh, to    fulfill its lusts.   

  I Thessalonians 4:9 But concerning brotherly love you have no  need that I should write to you, for you yourselves are taught    by GOD to love one another;   

  I Thessalonians 4:11 that you also aspire to lead a quiet    life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own    hands, as we commanded you,     

Titus 1:6-9 if a man is blameless, the husband of one wife,    having faithful children not accused of dissipation or    insubordination. {7} For a bsgchinese must be blameless, as a    steward of GOD, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given    to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, {8} but hospitable,    a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-   controlled, {9} holding fast the faithful word as he has been    taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort    and convict those who contradict.   

Titus 2:1-12 Speak the things which are proper for sound    doctrine: {2} that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate,    sound in faith, in love, in patience; {3} the older women    likewise, that they be reverent in behaviour, not slanderers,    not given to much wine, teachers of good things; {4} that they    admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their    children, {5} to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good,    obedient to their own husbands, that the WORD of GOD may not be    blasphemed. {6} Likewise exhort the young men to be sober-   minded, {7} in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of    good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence,    incorruptibility, {8} sound speech that cannot be condemned,    that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil    to say of you. {9} Exhort bondservants to be obedient to their    own masters, to be well pleasing in all things, not answering    back, {10} not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that    they may adorn the doctrine of GOD our SAVIOUR in all things.    {11} For the grace of GOD that brings salvation has appeared to    all men, {12} teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly    lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the    present age,   

Titus 3:1-3 Remind them to be subject to rulers and    authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, {2} to    speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all    humility to all men. {3} For we ourselves were also once    foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and    pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one    another.   

  Titus 3:8-11 This is a faithful saying, and these things I    want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in    GOD should be careful to maintain good works. These things are    good and profitable to men. {9} But avoid foolish disputes,    genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they    are unprofitable and useless. {10} Reject a divisive man after    the first and second admonition, {11} knowing that such a    person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned.   

James 1:19-22 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be    swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; {20} for the wrath    of man does not produce the righteousness of GOD. {21}    Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness,    and receive with meekness the implanted WORD, which is able to    save your souls. {22} But be doers of the WORD, and not hearers    only, deceiving yourselves.

James 1:26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and    does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this    one's religion is useless.   

James 3:16-17 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion    and every evil thing are there. {17} But the wisdom that is    from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to    yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and    without hypocrisy.   

James 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know    that friendship with the world is enmity with GOD? Whoever    therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an    enemy of GOD.     

James 4:7-8 Therefore submit to GOD. Resist the devil and he    will flee from you. {8} Draw near to GOD and HE will draw near    to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your    hearts, you double-minded.   

I Peter 1:13-17 Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be    sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be    brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; {14} as    obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former    lusts, as in your ignorance; {15} but as HE who called you is    holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, {16} because it is    written, "Be holy, for I am holy." {17} And if you call on the    FATHER, who without partiality judges according to each one's    work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here    in fear;   

I Peter 2:1-2 Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit,    hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, {2} as newborn babes,    desire the pure milk of the WORD, that you may grow thereby,     

I Peter 2:11-12 Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims,    abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the    soul, {12} having your conduct honourable among the Gentiles,    that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by    your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of    visitation.     

I Peter 3:8-12 Finally, all of you be of one mind, having    compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tender-hearted,    be courteous; {9} not returning evil for evil or reviling for    reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were    called to this, that you may inherit a blessing. {10} For "He    who would love life And see good days, Let him refrain his    tongue from evil, And his lips from speaking deceit. {11} Let    him turn away from evil and do good; Let him seek peace and    pursue it. {12} For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous,    And HIS ears are open to their prayers; But the face of the    LORD is against those who do evil."  

I Peter 4:3 For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in    doing the will of the Gentiles; when we walked in lewdness,    lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable    idolatries.   

I Peter 4:8-9 And above all things have fervent love for one    another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins." {9} Be    hospitable to one another without grumbling.   

II Peter 1:2-10 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the    knowledge of GOD and of JESUS our LORD, {3} as HIS divine power    has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,    through the knowledge of HIM who called us by glory and virtue,    {4} by which have been given to us exceedingly great and    precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of    the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the    world through lust. {5} But also for this very reason, giving    all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge,    {6} to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to    perseverance godliness, {7} to godliness brotherly kindness,    and to brotherly kindness love. {8} For if these things are    yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in    the knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. {9} For he who lacks    these things is short-sighted, even to blindness, and has    forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. {10}    Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call    and election sure, for if you do these things you will never    stumble;

One evening, as a father was helping his young son get ready for bed, he talked about what Christian should be like and how they should act (refer to the above stated verses). When the father finished describing what GOD’s requirement on the attributes of a true Christian, his son asked a startling question: “Daddy, have I ever seen a true Christian?” The father was stunned. What kind of an example have I been? He wondered.

Imagine being asked that question by your son or daughter. Today’s Scripture calls us to teach our children about GOD so clearly that they have no reason to wonder if they’ve ever seen a true believer (Christian). The writer of Psalm 78 calls us to help our children know the things of GOD by telling them the many reasons we have to praise the LORD (verse 4) and teaching them HIS laws and statutes (verse 5). And such teaching happens as much – if not more – through our lives as through our words! Our children will look to us in the day-to-day situations of life to see what being a true Christian looks like. That is one reason why GOD, speaking through Moses, instructs to “impress” upon our children GOD’s commandments by talking “about them when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy6: 6-7 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.)

It’s a big order to fill. We fathers and mothers are to reflect GOD and HIS character to our children. As they look into our faces, listen to our words, and watch our lives, they are to see a man and woman of godly speech, actions and goal. Granted, you and I are in process. Our Christian growth comes day by day as, with GOD’s help, we take off the old self – those attitudes, beliefs and behaviours which reflect the dark, sinful side of our nature – and are transformed by HIS SPIRIT into a more Christ-like person. Our children are watching this process. How are we doing?  What are they seeing?

GOD calls us fathers and mothers to train and nurture our children in HIS ways and that kind of teaching comes by our living example as well as by specific teaching times. When we ourselves are growing in our faith, we can reflect GOD’s grace to our children and they will know that they have seen a true Christian.

发表于 30-9-2014 14:43:05|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

虽然很多小孩子没有太多钱,可即便如此,他们也会跟穷人一样,把金钱看成自己的神。在你的生命里,你是否是将上帝作为你的 神,而不是把金钱当作神?你是否把你一部分财富分享给有所需求的人,以此来赞美和荣耀上帝?
Jesus Teaches About Material Possessions
Matthew 6:19-34
For many people, money is their god. Just like a god, money controls their lives, consuming all their energy, thoughts and time. Money is the main source of their joy, and they're never satisfied with how much they have but always wanting more. This is often true for rich and poor people alike, and JESUS addressed both groups among HIS followers during HIS sermon on the mountainside. HE explained how GOD expects HIS children to view money and material things, making it very clear that we can't serve both GOD and money. It's one or the other, but not both.
Wealthy people often reveal that money is their god by hoarding their riches, continually accumulating more and more for themselves, amassing much more than they really need. JESUS said, however, that we shouldn't store up treasures on earth. It's foolish to do so, because everything on this earth is destined to perish ultimately. In fact, most of it is slowly perishing right before our eyes. This was even more obvious to the people in JESUS' day, who didn't have the benefits of moth balls, rust-proofing paint or padlocks! But what JESUS said then is still true today.
For those of us who are call Christians, hoarding riches on earth is even more foolish, because there's a way we can convert our temporary riches into eternal riches. JESUS said that we should lay up our treasures in heaven. How can we do that? JESUS once told a very wealthy young man that if he sold his possessions and gave the money to the poor, he would then have treasure in heaven (see Matthew 19:21). We can do the same thing. When we give money to the poor and the needy on earth, it's like making a deposit into our bank accounts in heaven.
Rich people aren't the only people who often make money their god. Poor people frequently become just as consumed with material things. Their concern, however, is not with hoarding more and more riches, but with the simple necessities of life. They become worried about whether or not they are going to have enough food and clothing. Just like many wealthy people, their focus is on material things.
But GOD expects HIS children, even those who are poor, to be focused on HIM and HIS kingdom. JESUS promised that if we will live for HIM and make the kingdom of GOD our primary concern, then GOD will supply all our daily needs. HE cares about us, so there's no need for us to worry. Look how well GOD takes care of all the birds, providing them with food. If you ever see the birds gathered in your yard having a prayer meeting for food, then you might begin to worry about GOD supplying your needs!
Q. Today we read something that is difficult to understand, when JESUS said, "Your eye is a lamp for your body. A pure eye lets sunshine into your soul. But an evil eye shuts out the light and plunges you into darkness. If the light you think you have is really darkness, how deep that darkness will be!" (Matthew 6:22-23). What do you think He was talking about?
A. JESUS was talking about two kinds of people, the true followers, and the superficial Christians. People whose god is money will not inherit the kingdom of GOD, because JESUS said it is impossible to serve both GOD and money. HIS comments about the eye allowing light into the soul or shutting it out also describe the true followers and superficial Christians. A person with a "pure eye" is a person who is looking for the truth (often symbolized by light), and when he finds it, he lets it into his soul. He then has GOD's truth within him. A person with an "evil eye" is a person who does not want GOD's truth, and when the light of GOD's truth shines in his face, he shuts his eyes because he doesn't want it to get inside him. Many people shut their eyes to GOD's truth because they think they already have the truth, but really they've believed only lies. Consequently, they are full of darkness even when they think they have light inside them. That kind of darkness is the worst kind.
Q. Can we rightly conclude from what we read today that it is wrong for us to work hard to make money, or save some of the money we earn?
A. Certainly not. We can't give any money away unless we first have some ourselves. JESUS was warning us that money cannot be our main priority in life if we are going to be HIS followers. Our primary concern should be with HIS kingdom and living for HIM. We should guard ourselves against greed, and shouldn't worry about having enough, but rather, should trust in our heavenly FATHER's care.
Application: Many kids don't have a lot of money, but nevertheless, like poor people, money can become their god. Is there evidence in your life that GOD is your god and not money? Do you give away a portion of what you do receive for the glory and honour of GOD?
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发表于 1-10-2014 16:28:21|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,我希望我们能够透彻地懂得“海边相遇的故事” (马太福音4:18-22)。首先,我很好奇,为何彼得和他的同伴如此乐意地就跟从了这个加利利人的呼召,这个外村人既卑微,又有一副与他们毫无分别的粗简外表。主耶稣的身体特征与常人无异,没有任何独特的地方,祂没有俊美的容貌(像韩国男星似的),只能从祂木匠的衣着和满手老茧认出,祂是邻村来的外村人。
Let us praise GOD for HIS matchless grace!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I wish we could know the full story of that encounter by the seaside. First of all, I wonder why Peter and his companions were so willing to follow the call of this humble GALILEAN stranger, who was almost as roughhewn in appearance as they were. There was nothing special about the physical feature of JESUS that would make HIM stand out in a crowd. He was not particularly handsome (like the Korean male actors) His carpenter clothes and calloused hands would have identified HIM as just another villager from a nearby community.
How, then, can we explain why those practical men of the sea were willing to walk away from their boats and nets as soon as JESUS said “follow me”? Who can understand, from this future perspective, why they were drawn to make a life-long commitment to follow this seemingly ignorant peasant? Surely there must have been something strangely irresistible about the face and voice of JESUS as HE called them to leave it all that day. An aura of love and power must have beamed with such strength that they did not even ask the expected questions. There is no record that they asked about leaving the expensive equipment behind, or how they could heave family or friends on such short notice.
But then began the process of molding all of those clods of fractious human material into a team of powerful evangelists. What hope was there that Peter could make the transformation? I’m reminded of the story of Michelangelo as he walked down the streets of Rome one day. In a corner he observed a piece of cracked marble that had apparently been cast aside by some would-be sculptor. In spite of the ugly split seam across the face of it, the great artist stood looking at the abandoned stone for a long time. Finally he called for his assistants to haul the marble into his studio. Behind the ruined surface Michelangelo had seen something that no one else had been able to recognize. He began to work on the stone with chisel and mallet. Weeks and months passed by as the master hammered and hewed the scarred reject, until finally there emerged from under his skillful fingers the figure of a man that was said to be so perfect the it lacked only life itself. That statue of David stood for many years in the basilica of St Peter’s Cathedral in Rome as one of Michelangelo most perfect masterpieces.
I believe that’s what JESUS saw as HE looked at that marred piece of humanity called Simon Peter. The DIVINE ARTIST had seen something in the big fisherman that nobody else had seen, and the shaping process was initiated. It took much hammering to remove all the pride and vain-glory. It required blows like the night of TRANSFIGURATION, the denial by the fire side and that night Peter walked on the sea. But slowly there came forth from under the MASTER’s skillful influence a masterpiece.
We can understand that miracle of Peter because the same thing has happened to each of us. In our unconverted condition we were no more attractive to JESUS than the boisterous, loudmouthed fisherman. But when HE passed by and looked at us, HE loved us in the same way. I was a notorious gangster, a womanizer, the most un-filial son, an unfaithful husband and a self-centered prideful person when JESUS called me to follow HIM. My life has never been the same since. How could HE bring any good out of such miserable material like me? And yet HE has done it over and over again. HE has taken the weak, foolish and corrupt things to confound the wise and the mighty. Aren’t you glad that HE came looking for you and did not pass you by? Let us praise GOD for HIS matchless grace!
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发表于 7-10-2014 19:38:59|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

To obey is better than sacrifice
GOD's love for us has no limit. HIS love humbles us and causes us to be thankful.
In Romans 2: 4 we find a life changing verse: "GOD's kindness leads you toward repentance."
In other words . . . as we pray and receive GOD's love, we begin to change. We become sorry for our sin. We become more disciplined to live the SPIRIT filled life.
GOD's kindness changes us and teaches us obedience to HIM. Our job is to obey.
Read: Romans 2: 4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of HIS kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that GOD’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?
1 Samuel 15: 22 But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
as much as in obeying the Lord?
To obey is better than sacrifice,
and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
Remember that the word 'repentance' means to change your mind. Today, choose to change your mind about some aspect of the way you have been living. Take a moment and praise GOD for HIS love and kindness right now, and confess your sins to HIM. HE forgives you.
Now identify the areas of your life that needs to change. Trust GOD to give you the strength to turn from your sins, believe HIM and obey HIM!
Let us PRAY . . . My dear Brothers and Sisters,
"LORD JESUS CHRIST, YOU have been so good to me. YOU have shown mercy in holding back the punishment that I rightfully deserve. YOU have shown grace in giving me exactly what I do not deserve. I praise YOU LORD! I choose to obey YOU in all the areas of my life. I will rely on your SPIRIT to help me to have the strength to obey all of my today. In JESUS name I pray, Amen.

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