发表于 21-1-2015 21:08:35|来自:香港
Diagnosis of dementia by neurological assessment by anappropriate specialist confirming cognitive impairment characterized by a Mini Mental State Examination score of 24 or less out of 30 or assessed by 2 neuropsychometric
tests performed 6 months apart with a battery of tests which clearly define the severity of the impairment. The Life Insured must have been placed on disease modifying treatment prescribed by a specialist and must be under the
continuous care of a specialist.
A definite diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia due to irreversible organic brain disorders by a consultant neurologist. The Mini-mental exam score must be less than20 out of 30 or an equivalent of this score using other Alzheimer’s tests. There must also be permanent clinical loss of the ability to do all the following:
• Remember;
• Reason; and
• Perceive, understand, express and give effect to ideas.
This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical confirmation of an appropriate consultant and supported by the Company's appointed doctor.
The following are excluded:
• Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric
illnesses; and
• Alcohol or drug related brain damage
Deterioration or loss of intellectual capacity as confirmed by clinical evaluation and imaging tests, arising from Alzheimer's disease or irreversible organic disorders,
resulting in significant reduction in mental and social functioning requiring the continuous supervision of the life assured. This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical
confirmation or an appropriate consultant and supported by the Company’s appointed doctor.
The following are excluded:
• Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric
illnesses; and
• Alcohol related brain damage.