如题,有没有和我一样 等了16个月没消息的或者比16个月还久的小伙伴来说说吧
我自己Poly毕业的 后来修了本科 具体条件在以前的帖子里有写
2014年1月11号申请的,哎 神马情况 写邮件去ICA问了 就是官方答案 说我的application is still under consideration.
刚收到ICA邮件 不懂他们内部乱了还是怎么的 上周已经有人回复我了 很官方:your application is still under consideration.
今天这个就很不一样,小伙伴们帮着看看:presently being processed,写的很暧昧
Please note that your application is presently being processed. ICA will send the outcome letter to your residence as soon as the decision is made. Generally, a Singapore citizenship application will take 9 months or more depending on a case by case basis.