本人为国大本科生在读,现获得BCA-Industry Built Environment Undergraduate Sponsorship,需要两名担保人,本人没有任何亲戚在新,朋友又都是同学,不符合担保人资格,担保人具体要求如下:
- He/She is a Singapore Citizen or SPR residing permanently in Singapore, - He/She is above 21 years old and preferably under 65 years of age, 大于21周岁并且最好小于65周岁 - He/She is gainfully employed with a monthly income of at least S$2,000 per month, 有工作,月薪不低于S$2000 - He/She is not a bankrupt, 没有破产 - He/She is not bonded to or a party to an existing scholarship, sponsorship, bursary or study loan agreement. 并没有在享受或服务于任何奖学金,赞助金,助学金或学生贷款 希望有好心人愿意帮助,具体情况可以和我详谈,QQ694926590,6月18日之前就要向BCA提供具体信息了,希望可以尽快,请注明是在狮城看到询问担保人的,感激不尽!!