本帖最后由 QQ13 于 16-7-2015 15:11 编辑
Dear Ms Law,
We refer to your email dated 2015.
Once yourdaughter has obtained her Singapore citizenship, you will be able to enjoy 6days of childcare leave immediately. If you have not worked a complete year ofservice, for example if you has just joined the company during the year thenthe Childcare Leave Pro-ration is applicable.
以上是我email MOM 询问有关 childcare leave 的回复。
我的问题大概是说之前孩子不是公民,家长只有2天 childcare leave, 我的孩子在2015 年7月注册公民了,那我今年有几天的 childcare leave?
我想问问大家:我老公已经在现在的公司服务超过1年,今天他的人事部告诉他,公司只给多1天 childcare leave (就是说今年一共有3天),但是 MOM 已经说我们可以立刻享有6天的 childcare leave,要是公司坚持不给,我们可以做些什么?