- 去ICA completion of formalities除了下面的文件还需要什么吗?
- A completed Medical Examination Report;
- A copy of approval notice;
- A completed Appendix (VP) - IRAS/CPF Authorisation Form;
- A duly signed printout of the form which you have submitted through the e-VP;
- A duly signed printout of Terms & Conditions of Long-Term Visit Pass;
2. 关于体检,choa chu kang附近哪里可以体检呢?
3. 体检报告大概等需要多久?mdical examination report的那张纸是做完体检医生就能签好,当时就可以拿吗?
4. Walk-in需要提前预约吗?有没有规定的时间,还是只要工作时间内随时都可以去呢?