(吉隆坡21日讯)爭议性专栏作家郑全行(Ridhuan Tee Abdullah)投诉新加坡移民局官员,把他当作一名恐怖分子对待,並禁止他入境新加坡。
据《马来邮报》报导,这名改教的华裔穆斯林今日在马来报章《阳光日报》(Sinar Harian)一篇名为「瞭解伊斯兰的真正敌人」的个人专栏自曝,他和一名朋友在新加坡兀兰关卡,因个人事务准备入境邻国,却遭新加坡移民局拍照和录取指纹。
他说,该信件没有说明为何被禁止入境,不过,他相信是因为曾发表「超级怕输」(Ultra kiasu)的言论。他表示,虽然被禁足新加坡,但是,他毫无损失。
郑全行长期使用「超级怕输」论抨击民主行动党为华人为主的反对党。他也引用此言论形容大马的基督徒和华人。他一再重复指责华人为「Ultra kiasu」(超级怕输)。
他也支持於衣著指南, 说要去政府部门办事,一定要衣著得体,并且说他都会把此事与宗教掛鉤,
「Ultra kiasu」的由来
这是郑全行的博士论文,研究有关华人如何看马来政治。访问了400名华裔学生,並根据7个不同的標准来衡量,ultra kiasu(超级)、moderate kiasu(一般怕输)、less kiasu(不那么怕输)。
郑全行的研究结果是,这些华人的看法都是属於ultra kiasu。看回他们的背景,都是来自华小,看中文报章,每天听和看中文电台及电视台,他们也不和马来人交流。
Controversial Malaysian convert and academic Professor Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, whose incendiary writings on race and religious issues have earned him the ire of Singapore's authorities, was barred from entering Singapore recently.
Ridhuan shot to infamy 3 years ago when he wrote in his column in Utusan Melayu threatening war against Singapore over the 2 countries' territorial dispute over offshore islands.
He wrote then, ""It is fortunate that I was not the PM when solving the dispute over Pulau Batu Puteh. If I was, I would definitely have not brought it to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
"The only resolution to the dispute over the island is to wage war."
Recounting the incident, Ridhuan complained that he was detained without any explanation by the Singapore authorities and "treated like a terrorist".
He had been trying to visit Singapore with a friend via the Woodlands Checkpoint when Immigration & Checkpoint Authority officers asked for him to disembark from his vehicle. They conducted a search on him, took his photo and fingerprints and shuffled him off for interrogation.
At the end of it all, he was issued a letter stating that he was barred from entering Singapore.
"They escorted me past the (Johor-Singapore) Causeway and did not give any reason (for banning my entry)," he wrote in his column published in Sinar Harian today