发表于 18-5-2016 17:40:04|来自:新加坡
本帖最后由 yishun2009 于 18-5-2016 17:44 编辑
DSA candidate successfully enter only thru Sports are expected to remain in the track.
If you son has obtained Platinum, Gold or Silver medalists in our SMOPS, he will be classify under the Academic SMOPS category, he will not place in Open Category.
Eventually, if he successfully enter HCI via DSA (SMOPS), and also done well in his PSLE. Score excellent result in his mathematics, he will be place in a Maths talented class. He will undergo the Maths training in Sec 1 and Sec 2.
When secondary three streaming, he can opt for the SMTP (Science and Mathematics Talented Programme) if he Maths and Science results are very good.
Please note that “Successful DSA‐Sec students are allowed to transfer to another school after the release of the PSLE results. They are expected to honour the commitment to the posted DSA school for the duration of the programme admitted to.”