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楼主: April25

[房产] BTO首付,付现金还是CPF?

发表于 13-1-2017 12:14:03|来自:美国 | 显示全部楼层
April25 发表于 13-1-2017 11:57

HDB Loan一定要先把CPF扣完~~~要是想多给现金,可以申请银行贷款。。。 ... on-on-your-hdb-loan
Use of CPF savings
You must use all of the available savings in your CPF Ordinary Account for the purchase or transfer of the flat, before a housing loan from HDB is granted for the remaining amount. This is subject to the CPF withdrawal limits for properties with less than 60 years of lease remaining.
If you choose to, you can first set aside CPF Ordinary Account savings for the amount payable for the stamp, registration, and conveyancing fees, as well as the CPF HPS premium (if applicable), before using all of the remaining available savings.
Your CPF Ordinary Account savings can be used to pay up to 100% of the Valuation Limit (VL) of the flat. The VL is the purchase price or value of the flat at the time of purchase, whichever is lower. Should you still have an outstanding loan amount when your withdrawals have reached the VL, you may only use your CPF Ordinary Account savings to pay for your flat if you have set aside the prevailing CPF Minimum Sum cash component.
More information on the use of CPF savings can be found on the CPF Board website.

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发表于 13-1-2017 14:31:20|来自:美国 | 显示全部楼层
10%的首付付5w,房子本身就是50w?或者under 30,首付5%,房子本身100w?是个高大上的地方吧?
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发表于 13-1-2017 14:49:05|来自:美国 | 显示全部楼层
pl 发表于 13-1-2017 12:14
HDB Loan一定要先把CPF扣完~~~要是想多给现金,可以申请银行贷款。。。 ...

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