除了个人房屋物业之外,最新法令还赋予URA更多的权利去监管发展商工作,力求让新建的楼宇更适合人们出入居住。 URA也考虑研究建立一种新类别的住宅,允许其进行短期出租,但目前方案未出台前,所有私宅出租的最短租约依然要求不能低于6个月。
我需要检查租户的身份资料和个人文件吗? 不论屋主是否有聘请房屋代理,他都应该索取租户及其他住户的证件和资料。这些证件包括护照、工作准证、就业准证等,而屋主也应保留影印本。
为避免触犯窝藏非法移民的罪行,屋主最好亲自验证租户的身份,并确保资料的真实性。屋主可以上移民与关卡局(ICA)网站查看租户是否合法居留,以及上人力部网站核查租户在本地的工作准证和眷属准证(Dependant'sPass)有效性等。 根据移民法令,任何人把房屋出租给逾期居留者或非法移民,可被判监禁最长两年或罚款最多6000元,或两者兼施。
不可以。事实上,一般的租约都会列明租户不得转租或分租房子,以及房子只供住家用途等。屋主必须清楚知道自己的房子里住了什么人,以及确保租户是否合法使用该房子。 一旦租户转租或分租房子,屋主对房子的控制权可能“失控”。 若房子沦为非法用途,或遭违例出租,屋主也要负起法律责任。
Parliament:Short term home rental illegal under new law SINGAPORE - Private apartment ownerswho rent out their apartments or rooms on a short-term basis on websites likeAirbnb may soon be flouting the law. Parliament passed a new law on Mondaywhich makes it illegal for such home owners to rent out entire apartments androoms for less than six months, unless they have permission from the UrbanRedevelopment Authority (URA) to do so. But the URA is studying the option ofcreating a new category of private homes that will be allowed for short-termrentals, said National Development Minister Lawrence Wong on Monday at thedebate on the Planning (Amendment) Bill in Parliament. If created, the new category can applyto existing properties, as well as new residential sites that may be designatedspecifically for the building of short-term rental properties. The new law will also limit the numberof unrelated tenants in private apartments to six, down from the currentlyallowed eight. Apartments that are rented to more than six unrelated tenantswill be treated as dormitories and would require URA's approval. "Private residential propertiesshould not be used for other purposes without planning approval, as there is aneed to safeguard the living environment of residents in theneighbourhood," said Mr Wong. The changes to the law come on the backof growing complaints regarding short-term rentals last year. The URA received608 complaints in 2016, 61 per cent more than the 377 complaints in 2015. The new law will allow the URA to"make sure that the issue does not worsen further", Mr Wong said. Still, the minister noted that thegovernment is not shutting its doors on short-term home rentals. Besides thenew category of private homes that can be rented out like service apartments,the URA is considering allowing shorter rental periods. Currently, the minimumrental period is set at six months. Besides tightening the law on privateresidential properties, the new law also grants URA powers to impose conditionson developers aimed at making new buildings more livable and friendlier topedestrians through the provision of public spaces and covered walkways. These features account for only a smallcomponent of development costs and will not reduce the development potential ofsites because they are excluded from overall floor area, said Mr Wong. URA officers will also get more powersto investigate breaches of planning regulations, including summoning witnessesfor interviews and entering premises for inspections. The punishment for those who set upunauthorised dormitories was also enhanced to include a jail term, while themaximum fine for those who tear down conserved buildings, both partially orfully, was increased from $200,000 to $500,000. The new law also holds property ownersresponsible for unauthorised works by their tenants or contractors, unless theycan show that they have taken precautions to prevent them.