本帖最后由 wendy99 于 28-2-2017 12:37 编辑
拿了一个三年的配套要到期了。大约还剩12.30万。现在绑定期到7月就到了。想要做部分还款或者全部还款。问题 如下:
剩下贷款不多如果reprice 银行给的利息肯定很高。
2.全部还款(full redemption )
具体合约内容:you may redeem the home loan in full upon giving us 3months written notice or payment of interest in lieu thereof .NO partial prepaymnet of the home loan is allowed during the redemption notice . However ,if such redemption is made within the commitment period ,you shall be liable to pay a redemption fee of 1.50% of the amout of the HOME loan redeemed, Any request to further convert/vary the interest rate applicable to the Homen loan before or within the Commitment period shall be treated as a request to redeem or cancel the home loan in full unless otherwise agreed by us .