[极品疗养胜地]Address: Normanton park, Singapore, 118998 - 公寓的名字叫:Normanton park, 距离kent ridge 地铁站10分钟步程,出口就是公交站到肯特岗地铁站4分钟! Name of the apartment: Normanton park, 10mins walk to Kent Ridge MRT, bus stop very near the gate, 4 mins to Kent Ridge MRT - 公寓最开始是给军官盖的!最早住的全是新加坡军官,非常坚固整洁干净!公寓的泳池超级无敌赞!!!(看我拍的照片哦!) Apartment is built for military officer, strong and tidy buildings ! With super awesome swimming pool !!!(You will love it!
- 公寓最赞的还是紧靠着kent ridge肯特岗皇家公园!!!超级无敌的氧吧!!!氧吧!!!公寓后门和公园是一体的!出去就进了公园啦!你会看到有好几家松鼠住里,很可爱的哦!跑步约会的圣地!!! Beside the Kent Ridge Park, Holy land for walking / running / relaxing / dating. Entrance is just beside the back gate of apartment
- 因为初衷是给军官住的,为了他们的安全,周边是没有其它的公寓或者祖屋的!!!所以环境非常的棒!也比较安静!(可以谷歌这里的邮编地址118998, 查看卫星地图,此地一目了然,包围在小森林中!) Super awesome environment, quiet / beautiful / with lots of american and Europe people
- 公寓靠近国立大学,方便国大学生入住,附近食隔,超市应有尽有。
实在想不出啥不好的啊!!!自己来看看吧!!!(The only thing bad is there is nothing looks bad...) [步入正题]
房屋情况简介: House intro: 短租: 5月初 - 7月23之间 都可以租!!! 短租: 5月 - 7月23之间 都可以租!!!
屋内有一个衣柜! 一个储物柜! 双人床!!(有床垫)+ 书桌+ 台灯!+ 彩电!可以住一个人也可以住两个人(最低价S$850)不包水电网 !!! Single room: 1 or 2 max , Minimum : S$850/month. No upper limit~ - 房间挺大的,足够两个人住的. 屋内一个45寸超级三星大彩电!!放电影!打游戏超爽!! Enough for 2 people, relatively small large room 有独立卫生间! - 可以煮! Cook allowed - 房式为3房(1主人房+2个普通房) House type: 1 master room(rented) + 2 common room(left one) + 1 storage room(rented) - 没有屋主!