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[MCAT] 求书!2015年以后MCAT准备书籍 转给我吧

发表于 半年前|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 qingfengwuyu 于 4-9-2017 23:29 编辑

求2015年或以后的MCAT 准备书籍, 例如The Princeton Review, Berkeley Review, Exam Krackers, 或者 AMCC 的各种准备题集,网络版的也可以。科目不限(因为眼下一科也木有。。



发表于 半年前|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层

I am looking for practice books/ preparatory materials for MCAT (preferably books for the revised 2015 (or later) version of the exam). Such books include but are not limited to: The Princeton Review, Berkeley Review, Exam Krackers, and AMCC published Practice Exam, Section Bank, and Prep Bundles, for the various subjects that are covered in the MCAT.

Because I really have none of the materials at present, so any books on any subjects are welcomed :)

Please do contact me if you are considering re-saling/transfering any of these books:

via WeChat: 
WeChat ID: heliayilibel

Phone/ whatsapp:

Please also do diseminate the information if you have any friends that have taken the exams (and left their books not in use)! 
Much Thanks!!:D
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