本帖最后由 Kelvinchee 于 21-3-2019 15:54 编辑
***************************************************************************************** 学校老师及专业人才提供寄宿家庭,承接国际学生提供全面监护可用英语,华语及日语交流。 寄宿服务包括: * 家庭监护 * 周一至周五早,晚餐。周末早中晚餐健康膳食及水果 * 洗衣,清理房间 * 免费WIFI * 提供空调,衣柜,写字桌及公共设施 *帮忙安排家庭补习服务如有需要 (学费另付) ### 联系人(徐老师):(+65 ) 或
***************************************************************************************** School teacher and professional will provide home stay for international students. We can undertake students with all the guardianship by communicating with them with different languages such as English, Chinese and Japanese. Home stay services consist of: * Guardianship * Healthy meals and fruits are provided * Laundry and cleaning room * Free WIFI * Air-conditioned, wardrobe, desk and public facilities * Tuition will be helped to schedule if required (fees will be paid separately)
### If there is any inquiry, please feel free to contact Teacher Xu: *****************************************************************************************