Her name is Chen Chen 4 Year’s old she is quiet and trained dog, I have go through a training lesson with her, so she is very good trained able to listen Instruction,very healthy through out these years no medication problem, able to pee and poo in her toilet/pee pad. She is staying with me 4 Years ,the reason for selling is because I need to back to our own country, and family do not allow me to bring back. I’m looking for good person can adopt her and taking very good care to her.. she is the best dog I have ever seen, even my Friend help me take care during my trip period, she also told me Chen Chen is so cute and very good at her house. so if your keen, pls drop me a msg/WhatsApp. Price negotiable contact: (Tiffany)
她的名字叫晨晨,人见人爱,喜欢撒娇 从小跟我到现在已经4岁了,有受过训练听得懂主人的命令,会自己大小便。4年期间没有生过病,吃得好玩的开心!出售她主要是本人因为个人原因需要回国,家里不同意把狗带回去。希望她能幸运的找到一个可以对她非常好悉心照顾她的新主人。她是我见过最乖的狗狗,有一次我去旅行把狗狗寄放在朋友家她跟我反馈是她见过最乖最可爱的狗狗了,去新的地方也会小便在厕所尿片上。如果你喜欢跟她有缘:电话:/ 微信也可以加326210504