本帖最后由 DavidKoh 于 27-11-2018 19:46 编辑
WHOLE FLAT 4A NEAR Chinese Garden MRT AT JURONG EAST STREET 32 每月: 2200元 离裕华园地铁站8分钟,3+1房, 家私,全新空调,整间新粉刷,裕廊小学对面,近湿巴刹,104 平方米,12月31日可搬入。 311Jurong East Street 32 4ADoor-door. Near market, newly painted with new aircon system, schools, swimming& sports complex, shops, food centres. Shortwalk to Chinese Garden MRT. Fullyfurnished and aircon bedrooms. Available31 Dec 2018. Callowner 屋主: