微信: Sunny339908
豪华办公室出租或分租,带全套豪华办公家具,网络 打印机 复印机等,你只需带你的电脑进来就可以开始办公了。 交通极其方便,靠地铁,附近三个大型商场,各种需求应有尽有。
Luxury smart office for rent (Jurong east)
INSTANT SMART AND LUXURY OFFICE and WAREHOUSE in a verygood price in Jurong east IMM
• Fully & Newly furnished offices in various configurations
• Fully fitted with air conditioners, Luxury big Boss table, Luxury high back Bosschairs, High quality and high class bookcase, settees, meeting table, carpet,etc.
• Internet access using Fibre system to ensure reliable connectivity /networking
• Internet system is designed for simple & friendly usages, preventintrusion, anti-spam / virus & also protect privacy of tenants, etc.
• 24-hr access |