本帖最后由 yiruma 于 18-12-2019 00:41 编辑
It's Sunny family.
Greeting from Singapore. I pleased to offer homestay with guardianship services to international students. We are a local Chinese family with a full time maid living in a comfortable and fully furnished Seaview condominium apartment in Pasir Ris near to Overseas Family School. I graduated from Royal Military College of Science (England). Our family speaks both English and Chinese. We undertake to provide a warm, friendly and caring environment for the students under our custodian. We focus a lot on values, good conduct and academic rigor. As part of our guardianship services, we provide airport transfers, nutritious meals daily, housekeeping, laundry and ironing, air-conditioning, hot water and wifi. We also assist to manage communications with the school administration and teachers, as well as to attend parents meetings in school. If interested, Please contact us at +65 or email [email protected]
we arrange the following activities to our homestay students:
1. assist in English / Chinese communication and presentation skill.
we arrange homestay kids to have 10 mins speaking after the meal during weekend.
2. we assist homestsy kids in English / Chinese essay writing.
3. we arrange out door activities - to visit Singapore museum, art garary, scienve centre, watch musical, ballet and opera etc.
新加坡寄宿家庭 – 巴西立海景寄宿家庭是一户当地华人家庭居住在巴西立靠近Overseas Family School。本人毕业于英国皇家军事学院,我們是新加坡華人家庭,和一个全职女佣。寄宿家庭提供一个非常舒适,良好的居家學習环境给国际学生。 和我们的孩子愉快的一起成长。 除了舒适与良好的学习环境,我们也非常重视行为举止,家教与学业。这都是我们可以提供给学生的正确观念。家里所有成员都精通双语;中文和英文。寄宿家庭设施: -房间设备齐全 -冷气 -读书空间与个人读书桌,并有一间共用书房 - 宽敞的客厅 - 健身房,游泳池与活动空间等 - 洗手间 - 无限网络 寄宿服务: - 接机服务 - 营养三餐 - 每日打扫卫生 - 洗衣烫衣 - 如果学生病了,给予特别照顾,
联系电话 +65 . 邮件 [email protected]
2. 每个周末饭后安排学生做10分钟的演讲,及生活学习交流。
3. 定期安排游览新加坡博物馆,艺术馆和科学馆等,以及欣赏歌剧,芭蕾舞等。 |