发表于 11-2-2020 13:21:55|来自:广东广州
这种问题最好不要在论坛问,答案基本都有出入。。。。你既然想回国离婚,哪一定对在新加坡离婚有一定得了解。 一会,你也许会看到,有人回答你,你这种情况,在新加坡离婚,2人无异议,很快就能搞定得答案。
Filing for Divorce Overseas
If you file for divorce in a foreign country, you will first have to fulfil that country’s legal requirements for divorce and obtain a foreign divorce order.
The order was granted by a court of the domicile of one of the parties;
The order was granted by a court which exercised jurisdiction on the same basis that a Singapore court would have exercised jurisdiction; or There is a real and sufficient connection between the court granting the order and either party to the marriage.
新加坡并不认可离婚证,要法院判决书,然后在新加坡法院认可。 不要听信什么,国内离婚证,然后公证。 你可以去找律师,付大概几百块信息费,他们会告诉新加坡认可什么。
两个外国人在中国是办理不了离婚手续的,如果有一方居住在中国,可以在中国的法院诉讼离婚。 根据我国《民事诉讼法》和相关司法解释的规定,夫妻双方均为外国人或无国籍人在中国要求离婚的,人民法院认定当事人一方的住所或居所在中国,人民法院有权管辖。